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如何使用 jest、react-testing-library 在 React 中模拟元素上的点击事件

[英]How to mock a click event on an element in React using jest , react-testing-library

My component renders the following我的组件呈现以下内容

{list.options && list.options.length > 0 ? (
    data-testId="MyAlertText" onClick={onAddText}>
    Add Text
) : null}

And, in my tests I am doing the following而且,在我的测试中,我正在执行以下操作

it('Add Text link should render', () => {
    const { container, getByTestId} = render(<MyComp />);

    const link = getByTestId('MyAlertText');

It runs successfully它运行成功

But when I try to run, and simulate onClick it fails.但是当我尝试运行并模拟onClick时它失败了。


it('Add Text link should call method', () => {
    const { container, getByTestId} = render(<MyComp />);

    const link = getByTestId('MyAlertText');

    fireEvent.click(link );

I tried mocking the function using jest mock .我使用jest mock尝试了 mocking function 。 What did I do wrong?我做错了什么?

link.simulate('click') - should to the job! link.simulate('click') - 应该去工作!

Generally, you shouldn't worry about testing methods inside your component.通常,您不必担心组件内部的测试方法。 Rather, you should test the side effects of those methods.相反,您应该测试这些方法的副作用

Of course onAddText will be called (or whatever onAddText references), but what does onAddText actually do?当然会调用onAddText (或任何onAddText引用),但onAddText实际上做了什么? Test that effect.测试那个效果。

You can use shallow in jest to resolve your case.您可以开玩笑地使用shallow来解决您的问题。

it('Add Text link should render', async () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<MyComp />);
  const spy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'onAddText');
  await wrapper.update();


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