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反应 redux 动作不调用减速器

[英]react redux action not calling reducer

I cant for the life of my get one of my actions to call the reducer.我一辈子都做不到我的一个动作来调用减速器。 I've written multiple other actions and reducers in this app, which works perfectly.我在这个应用程序中编写了多个其他动作和减速器,效果很好。

It is the beginning of a filter function.它是一个滤波器 function 的开头。 I have a text input field, where I constantly keep track of the input field state, and dispatch the field value to the redux action.我有一个文本输入字段,在其中我不断跟踪输入字段 state,并将字段值发送到 redux 操作。 I have a console.log inside the action, which logs every keypress properly.我在操作中有一个 console.log,可以正确记录每个按键。

What I cant seem to understand, is why the reducer isn't called at each keypress.我似乎无法理解的是,为什么在每次按键时都没有调用减速器。 I've tried multiple console.log's inside the reducer, however none of them gets logged with keypresses.我在减速器中尝试了多个console.log,但是没有一个被按键记录。

The first console.log inside the reducer is called when I refresh the page.当我刷新页面时,reducer 中的第一个 console.log 被调用。 if I try to log action.type instead, I get:如果我尝试记录 action.type ,我会得到:


If I try the same in any of the other reducers I've written in the same app, I get the appropriate type logged out.如果我在同一个应用程序中编写的任何其他减速器中尝试相同的操作,我会注销相应的类型。

Some code:一些代码:

Filter Component:过滤器组件:

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { filterAnecdotes } from '../reducers/filterReducer';

const Filter = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState("");

  const handleChange = (e) => {

  const style = {
    marginBottom: 10

  return (
    <div style={style}>
      filter <input onChange={handleChange} />

export default Filter

Reducer and action: Here, I haven't figured out how to get the state of all anecdotes, and what to actually return.减速器和动作:这里,我还没想出如何获得所有轶事的state,以及实际返回什么。 For now, I'm just trying to have it get called properly.现在,我只是想让它被正确调用。

const filterReducer = (state = null, action) => {

  // These logs only get logged on refresh.
  // The action.type should be 'SEARCH', but is not.
  console.log("From filterReducer")

  switch(action.type) {
    case 'SEARCH':

      // This is not called at all.
      console.log(action.type, action.data)

      return action.data;
      return state

export const filterAnecdotes = (filter) => {
  return {
    type: 'SEARCH',
    data: filter

export default filterReducer;

Example of a redux file that actually works:实际工作的 redux 文件示例:

const reducer = (state = [], action) => {
  console.log(state, action)
      return [...state, action.data]
      return [...state, action.data]
      return []
      return state

export const createNewEntryNotification = (notification) => {
  return {
    data: notification

export const createNewVoteNotification = (notification) => {
  return {
    data: notification

export const hideNotification = () => {
  return {

export default reducer

App component (should be irrelevant)应用组件(应该是不相关的)

import React from 'react';
import NewEntry from './components/AnecdoteForm'
import AnecdoteList from './components/AnecdoteList'
import Notification from './components/Notification'
import Filter from './components/Filter';

const App = () => {

  return (
      <Filter />
      <Notification />
      <AnecdoteList />
      <NewEntry />

store (should be irrelevant)商店(应该是无关紧要的)

import anecdoteReducer from './anecdoteReducer';
import notificationReducer from './notificationReducer';
import filterReducer from './filterReducer';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'

const reducer = combineReducers({
  anecdotes: anecdoteReducer,
  notifications: notificationReducer,
  filters: filterReducer,

export default reducer

index.js (should also be irrelevant) index.js(也应该无关紧要)

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import App from './App'
import reducer from './reducers/store'

const store = createStore(reducer)

  <Provider store={store}>
    <App />

export default App

I'll be happy to provide more information if needed.如果需要,我很乐意提供更多信息。 This is for a project from fullstackopen.这是针对来自 fullstackopen 的项目。

Try to instantiate useDispatch like this after const [value, setValue] = useState("");尝试在const [value, setValue] = useState("");之后像这样实例化 useDispatch

const dispatch = useDispatch();

And then use the intance to dispatch the action然后使用实例调度动作


the use of useDispatch is misunderstood.对 useDispatch 的使用有误解。 Link for reference: https://react-redux.js.org/api/hooks#usedispatch参考链接: https://react-redux.js.org/api/hooks#usedispatch

You should create a dispatch from useDispatch:您应该从 useDispatch 创建一个调度:

const dispatch = useDispatch();


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