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如何在 Roassal 3 中格式化图表?

[英]How to format chart in Roassal 3?

I made a chart following the examples in the documentation.我按照文档中的示例制作了一个图表。 I find the title and x/y labels too close to the plot itself, and the tick labels too small.我发现标题和 x/y 标签太接近 plot 本身,而且刻度标签太小。 How do I format them?如何格式化它们?

x := -3.14 to: 3.14 count: 100.
y := x sin.

c := RSChart new.
p := RSLinePlot new x: x y: y.
c addPlot: p.

c title: 'Sine function'.
c xlabel: 'X axis'.
c ylabel: 'Y axis'.

c addDecoration: RSHorizontalTick new.
c addDecoration: RSVerticalTick new.
c open


The way the graph is constructed it uses the default offset of 5 for X axis and -5 for Y axis in the initialize of RSXLabelDecoration or RSYLabelDecoration respectively.图形的构建方式分别在RSXLabelDecorationRSYLabelDecorationinitialize中使用默认偏移量5表示X axis-5表示Y axis

To move the titles around you have to create them yourself instead of using xlabel or ylabel .要移动标题,您必须自己创建它们,而不是使用xlabelylabel

You whould have to replace these two lines of code:您必须替换这两行代码:

c xlabel: 'X axis'.
c ylabel: 'Y axis'.


xAxisDecoration := c addDecoration: (RSXLabelDecoration new title: 'X axis'; offset: 15).
yAxisDecoration := c addDecoration: (RSYLabelDecoration new title: 'Y axis'; offset: -15).

The result:结果:


Edit - forgot about the tick labels编辑 - 忘记了刻度标签

To adjust the font size you need to add a message fontSize when creating a RSHorizontal(Vertical)Tick要调整字体大小,您需要在创建RSHorizontal(Vertical)Tick时添加消息fontSize

The affected code would look like this:受影响的代码如下所示:

c addDecoration: (RSHorizontalTick new fontSize: 10).
c addDecoration: (RSVerticalTick new fontSize: 10).

Producing this result:产生这个结果:


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