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如何使用带有向量的 winapi ReadProcessMemory 从另一个进程读取缓冲区?

[英]How to use winapi ReadProcessMemory with vector to read buffer from another process?

std::byte *ReadBytes(PVOID address, SIZE_T length)
    std::byte *buffer = new std::byte[length];
    std::cout << "length" << sizeof(buffer) << std::endl;

    ReadProcessMemory(this->processHandle, address, buffer, length, NULL);

    return buffer;

I'm trying to read memory regions of a process into std::byte array, but with code above, I can't get the length of buffer outside, so I want to change the type of buffer to std::vector<std::byte> or use some other methods.我正在尝试将进程的 memory 区域读入 std::byte 数组,但是使用上面的代码,我无法获得外部缓冲区的长度,因此我想将缓冲区的类型更改为std::vector<std::byte>或使用其他一些方法。 How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Since C++11, std::vector::data will provide a pointer to the backing array.由于 C++11, std::vector::data将提供一个指向后备数组的指针。 If you're using older tools without support for C++ 11, &buffer[0] probably works, I've never seen it not work, but is not guaranteed by the Standard.如果您使用的是不支持 C++ 11 的旧工具, &buffer[0]可能有效,我从未见过它不起作用,但标准不保证。

Looking at the code again, if you've got std::byte , C++11 support is not an issue.再次查看代码,如果您有std::byte ,则 C++11 支持不是问题。


std::vector<std::byte> ReadBytes(PVOID address, SIZE_T length)
    std::vector<std::byte> buffer(length);
    std::cout << "length" << buffer.size() << std::endl;

    ReadProcessMemory(this->processHandle, address, buffer.data(), length, NULL);

    return buffer;

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