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来自 Python 的 C-API - 如何获取字符串?

[英]C-API from Python - How can I get a string?

Euler Math Toolbox ( www.euler-math-toolbox.de ) has an interface with Python 2. Now it should interface with Python 3. But I seem to be unable to read output from Python. Euler Math Toolbox ( www.euler-math-toolbox.de ) has an interface with Python 2. Now it should interface with Python 3. But I seem to be unable to read output from Python. Below is a simple example of what I am trying to do.下面是我正在尝试做的一个简单示例。 The code fails in the last step, PyBytes_AsString().代码在最后一步 PyBytes_AsString() 中失败。 Probably, I am completely off track here.可能,我在这里完全偏离了轨道。

Please advice.请指教。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Python.h>

const char* pystart = "t = \"test\"";

int main()
    printf("Test Programm for Python 3.8\n");


    PyObject* pModule = PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); //create main module
    if (!pModule)
        printf("Could not create main module in Python.");
        return 0;

    if (PyRun_SimpleString(pystart) == -1)
        printf("Could not run pystart.");
        return 0;

    PyObject* t = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "t");
    if (!t)
        printf("Could not get t.");
        return 0;
    char* out = PyBytes_AsString(t);
    if (!out)
        printf("Could not get the string.");
        return 0;

    return 1;

The trick is, of course, to convert from unicode with PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(t,"utf-8","strict") before applying PyBytes_AsString().当然,诀窍是在应用 PyBytes_AsString() 之前使用 PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(t,"utf-8","strict") 从 unicode 转换。

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