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[英]Validate string in regular expression

I want to have a regular expression in JavaScript which help me to validate a string with contains only lower case character and and this character - .我想在 JavaScript 中有一个正则表达式,它可以帮助我验证一个只包含小写字符和这个字符的字符串-

I use this expression:我使用这个表达式:

var regex = /^[a-z][-\s\.]$/

It doesn't work.它不起作用。 Any idea?任何想法?

Simple, just use: /^[az-]+$/简单,只需使用: /^[az-]+$/


  • ^ : Match from beginning string ^ : 从字符串开始匹配
  • [az-] : Match all character between az and - [az-] : 匹配 az 和 - 之间的所有字符
    • [] : Only characters within brackets are allowed [] :只允许括号内的字符
    • az : Match all character between az. az :匹配 az 之间的所有字符。 Ex: p,s,t例如:p,s,t
    • - : Match only strip ( - ) character - :仅匹配带 ( - ) 字符
  • + : Shorthand for {1,} . + : {1,}的简写。 The means is match 1 or more手段是匹配1个或更多
  • $ : Match until end of the string $ : 匹配直到字符串结束


 const regex= /^[az-]+$/ console.log(regex.test("abc")) // true console.log(regex.test("aBcD")) // false console.log(regex.test("ac")) // true

Try this:尝试这个:

var regex = /^[-a-z]+$/;

 var regex = /^[-az]+$/; var strs = [ "a", "aB", "abcd", "abcde-", "-", "-----", "abc", "aDc", " " ]; strs.forEach(str=>console.log(str, regex.test(str)));

Try this尝试这个


it should match the letters az or - as many times as possible.它应该尽可能多地匹配字母 az 或 -。

What you regex does is trying to match az one single time, followed by any of -, whitespace or dot one single time.您正则表达式所做的是尝试一次匹配 az,然后一次匹配 -、空格或点中的任何一个。 Then expect the string to end.然后期望字符串结束。

Use this regular expression:使用这个正则表达式:

let regex = /^[a-z\-]+$/;


regex.test("abcd") // true
regex.test("ab-d") // true
regex.test("ab3d") // false
regex.test("") // false

PS: If you want to allow empty string "" to pass, use /^[az\-]*$/ . PS:如果要允许空字符串""通过,请使用/^[az\-]*$/ Theres an * instead of + at the end.最后有一个*而不是+ See Regex Cheat Sheet: https://www.rexegg.com/regex-quickstart.html请参阅正则表达式备忘单: https://www.rexegg.com/regex-quickstart.html

This will work:这将起作用:

 var regex = /^[az|\-|\s]+$/ //For this regex make use of the 'or' | operator str = 'test- '; str.match(regex); //["test- ", index: 0, input: "test- ", groups: undefined] str = 'testT- ' // string now contains an Uppercase Letter so it shouldn't match anymore str.match(regex) //null

I hope this helps我希望这有帮助

 var str = 'asdadWW--asd'; console.log(str.match(/[az]|\-/g));

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