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基于来自 JSON 的键值渲染元素

[英]Render element based on key value from JSON

Let's say I have json file,假设我有 json 文件,

    {"page":"another-test","title":"Another Test"},
    {"page":"how-to","title":"How To","order":"1"},
    {"page":"test-page","title":"Test page","order":"2"}

Here, you see a key order , when I map this json file, I want to render the one with less order value first.在这里,您看到一个关键order ,当我 map 这个 json 文件时,我想先渲染order值较小的那个。 For example,例如,

import myJSON from 'file.json'

myJSON.map(({ page, title }) => (
   <h1 key={page}>{title}</h1>

How can I use the order key and render the one with the less order value or ascending order?如何使用order键并呈现具有较少order值或升序的键?

You could sort them based on order.您可以根据顺序对它们进行排序。

myJSON.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.order) - parseInt(b.order))

myJSON.map(({ page, title }) => (
   <h1 key={page}>{title}</h1>

Rahul's solution has a flaw. Rahul 的解决方案存在缺陷。 Any orthodox solution to this will have this same flaw.对此的任何正统解决方案都会有同样的缺陷。

What if the "order" property is undefined as it is in record 2 in myJSON?如果“order”属性未定义,因为它在 myJSON 的记录 2 中?

{"page":"another-test","title":"Another Test"}

Then this approach will default to the 0 case (equal values).然后这种方法将默认为 0 情况(相等的值)。 It will think the undefined value and the value it is comparing it to are equal.它会认为未定义的值和它正在比较的值是相等的。

Here is an example:这是一个例子:

let myJSON = [
   {"page":"another-test","title":"Another Test"},
   {"page":"how-to","title":"How To","order":"50"},
   {"page":"test-page","title":"Test page","order":"10"}

function myCompareFunc( a, b ) {
  // if a.order or b.order is undefined this is false
  if ( a.order < b.order ){
    return -1; 
  // if a.order or b.order is undefined this is false
  if ( a.order > b.order ){
    return 1;
  // will default to this
  return 0; 

The records that are before the record with the undefined "order" prop will not be sorted against the records that are after.带有未定义“order”属性的记录之前的记录将不会根据之后的记录进行排序。 So record 1 and 2 in the json above will keep their places and only record 3 and 4 will be sorted properly against each other and will switch places.因此,上面 json 中的记录 1 和 2 将保留它们的位置,只有记录 3 和 4 将相互正确排序并交换位置。 Result will be:结果将是:

   {"page":"another-test","title":"Another Test"},
   {"page":"test-page","title":"Test page","order":"10"},
   {"page":"how-to","title":"How To","order":"50"}

That is not quite sorter is it?那不完全是分拣机吗?

How to fix it?如何解决? One way is to add this at the start of the compare function:一种方法是在比较 function 开始时添加:

  if ( !a.order ){
    return -1;

That will sort all records with undefined "order" prop to the beginning of the array and will not meddle with the records that have a defined "order" prop.这会将所有具有未定义“order”属性的记录排序到数组的开头,并且不会干扰具有已定义“order”属性的记录。

That structure could be optimised for quicker access.可以优化该结构以更快地访问。

I'd try to denormalise it a bit and create something like the below example.我会尝试对其进行非规范化并创建类似于以下示例的内容。 This enables you to use Object.keys() to quickly get all the page ids.这使您可以使用Object.keys()快速获取所有页面 id。

pageData.json pageData.json

  "about": {
    "id": "about",
    "title": "About",
  "another-test": {
    "id": "another-test",
    "title": "Another Test"

The solution to the inital query of finding out which pages had order would be找出哪些页面有顺序的初始查询的解决方案是

import pageData from '...'

const pageKeys = Object.keys(pageData);
const pagesThatHaveOrder = pageKeys.filter(key => !pageData[key].order)

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