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Watson Assistant 上传文件

[英]Watson Assistant Upload file

I have built a Chatbot using Watson Assistant, and I am looking for a way to enable the user to upload a pdf or an image in the chat, like using an Upload File button, or a Drag and drop or files here functionality.我已经使用 Watson Assistant 构建了一个聊天机器人,并且我正在寻找一种方法来使用户能够在聊天中上传 pdf或图像,例如使用Upload File按钮、 Drag and drop or files here功能。

Watson Assistant on IBM Cloud is a conversation service that can interact with other components of a solution. IBM Cloud 上的 Watson Assistant 是一种对话服务,可以与解决方案的其他组件进行交互。 Depending on the type of Watson Assistant integration , uploading a file is possible, or not.根据Watson Assistant 集成的类型,是否可以上传文件。 You might want to check out custom integrations which would allow you to build such file uploading feature around the chatbot capability.您可能想查看自定义集成,这将允许您围绕聊天机器人功能构建此类文件上传功能。

Note that the chatbot API is designed for driving dialogs by exchanging messages.请注意,聊天机器人 API旨在通过交换消息来驱动对话。 The file upload would be on top.文件上传将在顶部。

File upload will be an additional feature of functionality that you will have to have in the custom UI and integrate it with the Orchestration/Integration Layer and then do whatever you want to do with that file and then send the required information from the file to Watson Assistant in a context variable.文件上传将是您必须在自定义 UI 中拥有的附加功能特性,并将其与编排/集成层集成,然后对该文件执行您想要执行的任何操作,然后将所需信息从文件发送到 Watson上下文变量中的助手。

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