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SwiftUI | 使用 LazyVGrid 拖放?

[英]SwiftUI | Drag and Drop using LazyVGrid?

Is it possible to reorder the items inside the LazyVGrid using drag and drop?是否可以使用拖放重新排序 LazyVGrid 中的项目?

Like something similar to the Editmode when using a List together with.onMove()?与.onMove() 一起使用 List 时类似于 Editmode 吗?


According to an Apple Engineer :根据苹果工程师的说法:

That's not built-today, though you can use the View.onDrag(_:) and View.onDrop(...) to add support for drag and drop manually.这不是今天内置的,尽管您可以使用View.onDrag(_:)View.onDrop(...)手动添加对拖放的支持。

Do file a feedback request if you'd like to see built-in reordering support.如果您想查看内置的重新排序支持,请提交反馈请求。 Thanks!谢谢!

So unfortunately we are on our own here.所以不幸的是,我们在这里独自一人。 :/ :/

Have you tried this?你试过这个吗? SwiftUI | SwiftUI | Using onDrag and onDrop to reorder Items within one single LazyGrid? 使用 onDrag 和 onDrop 在一个 LazyGrid 中重新排序项目?

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