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在 Android Studio 中集成 HMS 时出错,未定义 SignInCenter

[英]Error to integrate HMS in Android Studio , SignInCenter not defined

At the time of implementing the HMS the "SignInCenter" function is not recognized, I have already added all the imports indicated in the documentation but it still does not work.在实施 HMS 时,无法识别“SignInCenter”function,我已经添加了文档中指示的所有导入,但它仍然不起作用。

Line With Error有错误的行


there has no this function named "SignInCenter" in the API documentation, if you want to use Account kit, here is github codelab link: https://github.com/HMS-Core/huawei-account-demo there has no this function named "SignInCenter" in the API documentation, if you want to use Account kit, here is github codelab link: https://github.com/HMS-Core/huawei-account-demo

1.call the signIn with the Android standard interface startActivityForResult(); 1.用Android标准接口startActivityForResult()调用signIn;

private void signIn() {
    mAuthParam = new HuaweiIdAuthParamsHelper(HuaweiIdAuthParams.DEFAULT_AUTH_REQUEST_PARAM)
    mAuthManager = HuaweiIdAuthManager.getService(HuaweiIdActivity.this, mAuthParam);
    startActivityForResult(mAuthManager.getSignInIntent(), Constant.REQUEST_SIGN_IN_LOGIN);

2.get the result whit onActivityResult(). 2.通过onActivityResult()获取结果。

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        if (requestCode == Constant.REQUEST_SIGN_IN_LOGIN) {
            //login success
            //get user message by parseAuthResultFromIntent
            Task<AuthHuaweiId> authHuaweiIdTask = HuaweiIdAuthManager.parseAuthResultFromIntent(data);
            if (authHuaweiIdTask.isSuccessful()) {
                AuthHuaweiId huaweiAccount = authHuaweiIdTask.getResult();
                Log.i(TAG, huaweiAccount.getDisplayName() + " signIn success ");
                Log.i(TAG,"AccessToken: " + huaweiAccount.getAccessToken());
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "signIn failed: " + ((ApiException) authHuaweiIdTask.getException()).getStatusCode());
        if (requestCode == Constant.REQUEST_SIGN_IN_LOGIN_CODE) {
            //login success
            Task<AuthHuaweiId> authHuaweiIdTask = HuaweiIdAuthManager.parseAuthResultFromIntent(data);
            if (authHuaweiIdTask.isSuccessful()) {
                AuthHuaweiId huaweiAccount = authHuaweiIdTask.getResult();
                Log.i(TAG, "signIn get code success.");
                Log.i(TAG,"ServerAuthCode: " + huaweiAccount.getAuthorizationCode());

                /**** english doc:For security reasons, the operation of changing the code to an AT must be performed on your server. The code is only an example and cannot be run. ****/
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "signIn get code failed: " + ((ApiException) authHuaweiIdTask.getException()).getStatusCode());

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