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如何编写通用 java 方法以通过 null 检查返回值?

[英]How to write a generic java method to return value with null check?

I have some code which copies values from one object to another.我有一些代码将值从一个 object 复制到另一个。

When I have to null check values my code becomes very lengthy and harder to read, so I want a method that gets the instance of the object and returnd the value I need with a null check.当我必须检查 null 值时,我的代码变得非常冗长且难以阅读,所以我想要一种方法来获取 object 的实例并通过 null 检查返回我需要的值。

Is there a way to make such a method?有没有办法制作这样的方法?

My usages are similar to the following:我的用法类似于以下内容:


My intention is to have a function that could have a NullPointerException check on the input parameter and return the value if it exists.我的意图是有一个 function 可以对输入参数进行 NullPointerException 检查并返回该值(如果存在)。

How do I write such a method?我该如何编写这样的方法?

Here is example code:这是示例代码:

   public <T> T methodNullCheck(T value) {
        if (value != null) {
            return value;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null value");

I would suggest to use Lombok and @NonNull annotation on input parameters of setName() , setAddress() , etc.我建议在setName()setAddress()等的输入参数上使用Lombok@NonNull注释。

you can create a null safe Function您可以创建一个 null 安全 Function

interface NullSafeFunction<T, R> extends Function<T, R> {

    default <V> NullSafeFunction<T, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) {
        return (T t) -> Optional.ofNullable(t).map(this::apply).map(after).orElse(null);

    static <T> NullSafeFunction<T, T> identity() {
        return t -> t;

and then use it as follows然后按如下方式使用它

A a1 = new A();

String result1 = NullSafeFunction.<A>identity()

System.out.println(result1); //null

A a2 = new A(new B(new C("yes")));

String result2 = NullSafeFunction.<A>identity()

System.out.println(result2); //yes

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