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VueJS:$_FILES 不接收从前端到后端的数据

[英]VueJS: $_FILES Not Receiving Data from Frontend to Backend

I tried different ways to upload images to SQL, but the problem is that I cannot get the file's data at backend.我尝试了不同的方法将图像上传到 SQL,但问题是我无法在后端获取文件的数据。 Some answers say that it's because the form does not have an enctype but I tried that too.一些答案说这是因为表单没有 enctype,但我也尝试过。 I'm not sure if it's applicable to Vue since I am using axios.我不确定它是否适用于 Vue,因为我使用的是 axios。 Also, I tried using uploadFile as a parameter for the axios so $_FILES would also read it as $_GET, because it worked on some of my codes as well.此外,我尝试使用 uploadFile 作为 axios 的参数,因此 $_FILES 也将其读取为 $_GET,因为它也适用于我的一些代码。 By the way, the submitTestData is in another file in another folder, which is inside a store (VueX).顺便说一句,submitTestData 位于另一个文件夹中的另一个文件中,该文件夹位于商店 (VueX) 内。 I used dispatch to send the data towards the store so that it would finally send a post method to backend.我使用 dispatch 将数据发送到 store,以便最终将 post 方法发送到后端。

store.js store.js

  submitTestData2 ({ commit }, payload) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          const formData = new FormData()
          formData.append('uploadFile', payload.uploadFile)
          const config = {
            headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }
                token: payload.token,
                subject: payload.subject,
                timer: payload.timer,
                question: payload.question,
                answer: payload.answer,
                params: {
                  submitId: 7,
                  uploadFile: formData
            .then(response => {
              commit('SAVE_TEST_DATA', response.data)
            .catch(error => {


 <q-form class="q-pa-md" align="center">
        <h5>Test Creation Form</h5>
        <!-- <q-btn label="Add Subject" color="primary" to="/addsub" /> -->
        <q-btn label="Return to Main" to="/dashboard" color="primary" />&nbsp;
        <q-btn label="View Student Answers" color="primary" to="/subjectntestlist" />&nbsp;
        <q-btn label="View Student Profile" color="primary" to="/studentprofile" />
          <q-separator />
          <q-card-section class="q-gutter-md" align="center">
              label="Choose a Subject"
              style="width: 250px"
              label="Upload File Here"
              style="width: 500px"
            <q-input label="Minute(s)" name="timer" v-model="testItems.timer" style="width: 500px" />
            <q-input name="question" v-model="testItems.question" style="width: 500px" />
            <q-input name="answer" v-model="testItems.answer" style="width: 500px" />
            <br />
            <q-btn label="Save Test Item" @click="submitTestData" />

submitTestData1() {
        .dispatch("submitTestData2", {
          token: this.token,
          subject: this.testItems.subject,
          question: this.testItems.question,
          answer: this.testItems.answer,
          uploadFile: this.testItems.uploadFile,
          timer: this.testItems.timer
        .then(response => {
          alert("Test was added to the database!");

namespace Classes;

use Classes\ConnectDb;

class TestClass
    public function addTest()
        $datab = new ConnectDb;
        $db = $datab->Connect();

        if (isset($_GET['submitId']) && $_GET['submitId'] == 7) {

            $testdata = file_get_contents('php://input');
            $testdecodedData = json_decode($testdata);
            $subject = $testdecodedData->{'subject'};
            $access_id = $testdecodedData->{'token'};
            $question = $testdecodedData->{'question'};
            $answer = $testdecodedData->{'answer'};
            // $testImage = $testdecodedData->{'uploadFile'};
            $testTimer = $testdecodedData->{'timer'};

            $name = $_FILES['uploadFile'];

            echo $name;

            $testdataDb = array(
                'SubjectId' => $subject,
                'AccessId' => $access_id,
                'Question' => $question,
                'Answer' => $answer,
                // 'TestImage' => $testImage,
                'Timer' => $testTimer * 60
            $testId = $db->insert('testdetails', $testdataDb);
            if ($testId) {
                echo 'Test details were added!';

You need to pass header as well like below您需要像下面一样通过 header

submitTestData ({ commit }, payload) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const formData = new FormData()
      formData.append('uploadFile', payload.uploadFile)
      const config = {
            headers:{'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data'}
        .then(response => {
          commit('SAVE_TEST_DATA', response.data)
        .catch(error => {

It looks like you're not getting the file's name properly from the $_FILES superglobal.看起来您没有从 $_FILES 超全局中正确获取文件名。 You have $_FILES['uploadFile'] in your code however the $_FILES array is structured like this for uploads ( uploadFile represents the name of the file upload input field from your form so this varies by input field name ):您的代码中有 $_FILES['uploadFile'] 但是 $_FILES 数组的结构类似于上传( uploadFile 代表表单中文件上传输入字段的名称,因此这因输入字段名称而异):

    [uploadFile] => Array
                      [name] => users_file_name.png
                      [type] => image/png
                      [tmp_name] => /path/to/temporary/files/abc123
                      [error] => 0
                      [size] => 12345

So to access the file's name, you need to change the code to this: $_FILES['uploadFile']['name'].因此,要访问文件名,您需要将代码更改为:$_FILES['uploadFile']['name']。

The actual file is stored in a temporary file location on the server so you'll need to grab that temporary file and move it somewhere else on your server.实际文件存储在服务器上的临时文件位置,因此您需要获取该临时文件并将其移动到服务器上的其他位置。 Something like this is what most people do:大多数人都会这样做:

$temp_file = $_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name'];
$target_upload_destination = 'path/to/desired/directory/' . basename($_FILES['uploadFile']['name']);

// Check to see that the file was moved to desired destination successfully
if (move_uploaded_file($temp_file, $target_upload_destination)) {
      // do something here
    } else {
      // Fallback logic here

Obviously there should be some logic checks before moving the temp file on your server but, I hope you get the basic idea behind this.显然,在您的服务器上移动临时文件之前应该进行一些逻辑检查,但是,我希望您了解这背后的基本概念。 You should use the file path once it's moved for the DB insert.为数据库插入移动后,您应该使用文件路径。 I hope this helps.我希望这有帮助。

There are several problems here both in your client-side and server-side code.在您的客户端和服务器端代码中都有几个问题。

Client side客户端

If you want to send a file, you must use a multipart/form-data request with a FormData payload.如果要发送文件,则必须使用带有FormData有效负载的multipart/form-data请求。 You appear to be trying to combine a JSON payload with an embedded FormData which simply won't work.您似乎正在尝试将 JSON 有效负载与嵌入式FormData结合起来,这根本不起作用。

You need something like this你需要这样的东西

const formData = new FormData()
Object.entries(payload).forEach(([key, val]) => {
  // adds all the properties in "payload" to "formData"
  formData.append(key, val)

axios.post('http://localhost/MyComposer', formData, {
  params: { submitId: 7 }

❗ Note that there is no Content-type header added. ❗ 请注意,没有添加Content-type header。 Passing a FormData instance sets this automatically with the required mime boundaries.传递FormData实例会自动将其设置为所需的 mime 边界。


On the PHP side, you would get the token , subject , timer , etc values from $_POST在 PHP 端,您可以从$_POST获取tokensubjecttimer等值

$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$access_id = $_POST['token'];
$question = $_POST['question'];
// etc

The upload file will be available in $_FILES (seehttps://www.php.net/manual/features.file-upload.post-method.php )上传文件将在$_FILES中提供(参见https://www.php.net/manual/features.file-upload.post-method.php

$uploadFile = $_FILES['uploadFile'];
if (!$uploadFile['error']) {
  echo $uploadFile['name'];

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