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[英]passing image from list(stateless) component to display(stateful) component --react

 //ImagePlayer component class ImagePlayer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { image: [], selectedImage: '', } this.handleImageSelection = this.handleImageSelection.bind(this); } handleImageSelection(source){ this.setState({ImageList: source}) } render() { return ( <Grid container spacing={3}> <Grid item xs={8}> <Paper> {/* this is the larger div where I want to render the image clicked on the list */} <ImageList handleImageSelection={this.handleImageSelection}/> </Paper> </Grid> <Grid item xs={4}> <Paper> <ImageList /> </Paper> </Grid> </Grid> ); } } //ImageList component onst ImageList = (handleImageSelection) =>{ handleImageSelection=(image)=>{ console.log(image); } return( images.map((image, id) => <List> <ListItem key={id} > <div> <ListItemAvatar> {<img src= {require(`../assets/${image.name}.jpeg`)} alt="thumbnail" onClick={()=>handleImageSelection(require(`../assets/${image.name}.jpeg`))}/>} </ListItemAvatar> </div> <div >)

How to render the image from List component to Class component in React?如何在 React 中将图像从 List 组件渲染到 Class 组件? My list component is list of images and that should appear enlarged in class component when I click on any image on the list.我的列表组件是图像列表,当我单击列表上的任何图像时,它应该在 class 组件中放大。

I first defined the state: this.state ={ imageSelected: ''} then, setState for the same.我首先定义了 state: this.state ={ imageSelected: ''}然后setState相同。 Also passed handleImageSelection as a function in list component, but it says还在列表组件handleImageSelection作为 function 传递,但它说

'handleImageSelection' is not a function 'handleImageSelection' 不是 function

onClick={()=> props.handleImageSelection()} //errr: not a function onClick={()=> props.handleImageSelection()} //errr: 不是 function

If both your list and display component are wrapped by common parent, you may lift necessary state (eg chosen image id ) as follows:如果您的列表和显示组件都被公共父级包裹,您可以按如下方式解除必要的 state (例如选择的图像id ):

 const { Component } = React, { render } = ReactDOM, rootNode = document.getElementById('root') const imageList = [ {id:0, name: 'circle', imgSrc: ``}, {id:1, name: 'triangle', imgSrc: ``}, {id:2, name: 'square', imgSrc: ``}, ] const List = ({images, onSelect}) => ( <ul> { images.map(({imgSrc, name, id}) => ( <li key={id} onClick={() => onSelect(id)}> <img className="thumbnail" src={imgSrc} alt={name}/> </li> )) } </ul> ) class Display extends Component { render (){ const {imgSrc,name} = this.props.image return ( <img className="fullsize" src={imgSrc} alt={name} /> ) } } class App extends Component { state = { chosenImg: null } images = imageList onSelect = _id => this.setState({ chosenImg: this.images.find(({id}) => id == _id) }) render(){ return ( <div> <List images={this.images} onSelect={this.onSelect} /> { this.state.chosenImg && <Display image={this.state.chosenImg} />} </div> ) } } render ( <App />, rootNode )
 .thumbnail { max-width: 50px; cursor: pointer; }.fullsize { width: 200px; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.12.0/umd/react.production.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.11.0/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script><div id="root"></div>

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