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[英]Creating a check box dynamically

Can we create a checkbox dynamically on a window in progress?我们可以在正在进行的 window 上动态创建一个复选框吗? Actually i have created combo-box,frame,fill-in dynamically but not getting the idea how can I Create checkbox dynamically.实际上,我已经动态创建了组合框、框架、填充,但不知道如何动态创建复选框。

display "Example" skip(2) with frame a width 80.

define variable h as handle no-undo.
create toggle-box h assign
  row = 2
  column = 1
  label = "hi there"
  frame = frame a:handle
  sensitive = true
  visible = true

wait-for window-close of current-window.

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