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如何通过 JavaScript 访问 S3 存储桶?

[英]How to access S3 bucket through JavaScript?

I've looked at some other posts and tried to replicate what they've done, but none of them seem to be running into the same issue I am.我查看了其他一些帖子并尝试复制他们所做的事情,但似乎没有一个遇到与我相同的问题。 Basically, I'm trying to store the list of keys from a S3 bucket so I can iterate through them in my Vue app.基本上,我正在尝试存储 S3 存储桶中的密钥列表,以便可以在我的 Vue 应用程序中遍历它们。 I've got the code below, and you can see I have 3 console.log statements where I'm trying to print the value of files .我有下面的代码,你可以看到我有 3 个console.log语句,我正在尝试打印files的值。 The first one prints exactly what I expect it to, while the 2nd one prints [] , and the 3rd doesn't print at all.第一个打印完全符合我的预期,而第二个打印[] ,第三个根本不打印。 So for some reason it's not persisting the value of files outside of the s3.listObjectsV2() function, which means I can't access the actual files themselves in the app.因此,由于某种原因,它不会保留s3.listObjectsV2() function 之外的files值,这意味着我无法在应用程序中访问实际文件本身。

let AWS = require("aws-sdk");
  accessKeyId: process.env.VUE_APP_ACCESS_KEY,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.VUE_APP_ACCESS_KEY,
  region: "us-east-1",
let s3 = new AWS.S3();

let params = {
  Bucket: "my-bucket",
  Delimiter: "",

let getS3Files = () => {
  let files = [];
  s3.listObjectsV2(params, function (err, data) {
    if (data) {
      data.Contents.forEach((file) => {
          fileName: file.Key,
          fileDate: file.LastModified,
  if (files.length > 0) {
    files = files.sort((a, b) => b.fileDate - a.fileDate);
  return files;


It is because you are not waiting until the s3.listObjectsV2 completes fetching its data.这是因为您没有等到s3.listObjectsV2完成获取其数据。 Although s3.listObjectsV2 does not seem like a function you should wait until it completes, it needs time to send a request to s3 and get the data you requested.虽然s3.listObjectsV2看起来不像 function 您应该等到它完成,它需要时间向s3发送请求并获取您请求的数据。

In the code you provided, the second console.log will most probably execute before the first console.log and by that time you would not have any data pushed to files .在您提供的代码中,第二个console.log很可能会在第一个console.log之前执行,到那时您不会有任何数据推送到files Hence it will print [] .因此它将打印[] And before the third log, it is checking whether you have any element in your files which would again equal to false since files = [] .在第三个日志之前,它会检查files中是否有任何元素再次等于false ,因为files = []

So, you need to wrap this around a Promise and wait until it completes.因此,您需要将其包裹在 Promise 周围并等待它完成。

let getS3Files = async () => {
  let files = [];

  await new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    s3.listObjectsV2(params, function (err, data) {
      if (data) {
        data.Contents.forEach((file) => {
            fileName: file.Key,
            fileDate: file.LastModified,
      } else {
  if (files.length > 0) {
    files = files.sort((a, b) => b.fileDate - a.fileDate);
  return files;

await getS3Files();

I am not familiar with the s3 api, but I understand listObjectsV2 is an asynchronous operation, in consequence files will be empty because it happens outside the asynchronous call and is executed before having values我不熟悉 s3 api,但我了解listObjectsV2是一个异步操作,因此files将是空的,因为它发生在异步调用之外并且在有值之前执行

Please try请试试

let AWS = require("aws-sdk");

  accessKeyId: process.env.VUE_APP_ACCESS_KEY,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.VUE_APP_ACCESS_KEY,
  region: "us-east-1",

let s3 = new AWS.S3();
let params = {
  Bucket: "my-bucket",
  Delimiter: "",

let getS3Files = (callback) => {
  s3.listObjectsV2(params, function (err, data) {

getS3Files((data) => {
  const files = data.Contents.map((file) => ({
    fileName: file.key,
    fileDate: file.LastModified,
  })).sort((a, b) => b.fileDate - a.fileDate);

  return files;

In this case, the getS3Files receives a callback that will contain the data, which you will process in the function call.在这种情况下, getS3Files会收到一个包含数据的回调,您将在 function 调用中处理这些数据。

Take a look to this question How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?看看这个问题如何从异步调用中返回响应?

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