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如何将机器人添加到 Teams 组对话中

[英]How to enable bot to be added to Teams group conversation

I built a web app bot in Azure with https://www.qnamaker.ai/ .我用https://www.qnamaker.ai/在 Azure 中构建了一个 web 应用程序机器人。 My teammates can also access the bot if they have the link to the Teams channel of the bot.如果我的队友拥有机器人团队频道的链接,他们也可以访问机器人。 But I can't add the bot to a group/channel in Teams.但我无法将机器人添加到 Teams 中的组/频道。

How do I enable the bot to be added to group Conversation?如何让机器人加入群组对话?

First, some clarification of terms :首先,一些术语的澄清

  • teams Also called channel conversations, visible to all members of the channel. teams也称为频道对话,对频道的所有成员可见。
  • personal Conversations between bots and a single user.机器人和单个用户之间的personal对话。
  • groupChat Chat between a bot and two or more users. groupChat机器人和两个或更多用户之间的聊天。 Also enables your bot in meeting chats.还可以让您的机器人参加会议聊天。

To allow your bot to chat in a team or group chat in App Studio:要允许您的机器人在 App Studio 中的团队或群聊中聊天:

Under the "Bots" tab (you may need to click Edit, next to your bot), ensure the appropriate scope is selected:在“机器人”选项卡下(您可能需要单击机器人旁边的编辑),确保选择了适当的 scope:


Then, under "Test and distribute", use "Add to a chat" to add it to an existing group chat, or "Add to a team" to add it to a Team to use in Channels chats:然后,在“测试和分发”下,使用“添加到聊天”将其添加到现有群聊中,或使用“添加到团队”将其添加到团队以在频道聊天中使用:


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