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Chainlink 节点:交易未决时该怎么办?

[英]Chainlink node: What to do when transactions are pending?

I have a chainlink node, and there are transactions that seem to be stuck.我有一个 chainlink 节点,有些交易似乎卡住了。 How can I fix pending outgoing confirmations?如何修复待处理的传出确认?


Most often, you did not fund your chainlink node account with gas.大多数情况下,你没有用 gas 为你的 chainlink 节点账户注资。 Go to your configration and grab the ACCOUNT_ADDRESS and send ETH to that address. Go 到您的配置并获取ACCOUNT_ADDRESS并将 ETH 发送到该地址。

The second most common is that you're using an outdated version of the chainlink node.第二个最常见的情况是您使用的是过时版本的 chainlink 节点。 Please use 0.9.4 or higher.请使用 0.9.4 或更高版本。

For pending Outgoing Confirmations:对于待处理的传出确认:

  1. You did not fund your chainlink node account with gas.你没有用 gas 为你的 chainlink 节点账户注资。
  2. The ETH chain is clogged up. ETH 链被堵塞了。
  3. Your MIN_OUTGOING_CONFIRMATIONS variable in your .env is too high (it gets set to a default) .env中的MIN_OUTGOING_CONFIRMATIONS变量太高(它被设置为默认值)

If you see pending transactions at your oracle contracts address then it is likely #2.如果您在 oracle 合约地址看到待处理的交易,那么很可能是 #2。 If you don't see any, it's likely #1.如果您没有看到任何内容,则可能是#1。

If #1, you can just send some ETH to your node and it should be fine.如果#1,你可以向你的节点发送一些 ETH,它应该没问题。 You can find your node's address ACCOUNT_ADDRESS in the configuration page of your Chainlink GUI.您可以在 Chainlink GUI 的配置页面中找到您节点的地址ACCOUNT_ADDRESS Chainlink 节点 GUI 配置页面

If #2 you can either:如果 #2 你可以:

  1. You can delete the pending transactions from your database and hope everything clears up (This is an OK solution, hopefully smart contracts have a retry parameter for dealing with you data. But if your node stays stuck, then NO one will be able to get data. )您可以从数据库中删除待处理的交易,并希望一切顺利(这是一个好的解决方案,希望智能合约有一个重试参数来处理您的数据。但是如果您的节点卡住了,那么没有人将能够获取数据. )
DELETE FROM job_runs WHERE status = 'pending_outgoing_confirmations';
DELETE FROM tx_attempts WHERE confirmed = 'f';
  1. If you need those transactions to go through, you can rebroadcast the transactions with more ETH gas to push them through faster.如果您需要通过 go 的这些交易,您可以使用更多的 ETH 气体重新广播这些交易以更快地推动它们。 This is a little trickier to do.这有点棘手。 The Chainlink nodes have a built in system to push transactions through without you having to do anything, so hopefully they will kick in. Chainlink 节点有一个内置的系统来推动交易,而你无需做任何事情,所以希望它们会启动。

If #3 Set or change your MIN_OUTGOING_CONFIRMATIONS and restart the node.如果 #3 设置或更改您的MIN_OUTGOING_CONFIRMATIONS并重新启动节点。

For Pending Incoming Confirmations:对于待处理的传入确认:

This is likely due to network congestion or you're working on a network that doesn't have many transactions.这可能是由于网络拥塞或您正在使用的网络没有很多事务。 An easy fix is to reduce the number of incoming confirmations and restart your node.一个简单的解决方法是减少传入确认的数量并重新启动您的节点。

In your .env file, add or set the following:在您的.env文件中,添加或设置以下内容:


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