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Microsoft Teams Graph API 在未经管理员同意的情况下获取用户所属的团队?

[英]Microsoft Teams Graph API get teams a user is a member of without admin consent?

I want to get a list of teams for a given user without needing admin_consent .我想在不需要admin_consent的情况下获取给定用户的团队列表。 Is this possible?这可能吗? I assumed that if a user consents to an application and I get an access token for them that I would be able to request information scoped to that single user, like what teams they are a part of.我假设如果用户同意应用程序并且我为他们获得了访问令牌,我将能够请求仅限于该单个用户的信息,例如他们所属的团队。

But after looking at the api permissions /me/joinedTeams it looks like admin_consent is needed for all of them, which is problematic.但是在查看 api 权限/me/joinedTeams之后,似乎所有这些权限都需要admin_consent ,这是有问题的。

Turns out due to some API weirdness you can use /me/memberOf without admin_consent to at least get the ID's of all teams the user has permissions to.事实证明,由于某些 API 怪异,您可以在没有admin_consent的情况下使用/me/memberOf来至少获取用户有权访问的所有团队的 ID。

/me/joinedTeams however will just return a 403 Forbidden . /me/joinedTeams但是只会返回403 Forbidden

Also if you want to map the "external"?另外,如果你想 map “外部”? id for a team returned from /me/memberOf to the "internal" id that a Teams message will have (begins with 19: ) you can still use the /teams/{id} endpoint also without any admin credentials to get just the internal ID for the team./me/memberOf返回到 Teams 消息将具有的“内部”id 的团队的 id(以19:开头)您仍然可以使用/teams/{id}端点,也无需任何管理员凭据来获取内部团队的 ID。

To get the the teams the user is a member of is possible from application as well也可以从应用程序中获取用户所属的团队

URL-> https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{{UserId}}/joinedTeams URL-> https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{{UserId}}/joinedTeams

Authorization -> BEARER {{AppAccessToken}}授权 -> BEARER {{AppAccessToken}}

To get the app access token获取应用访问令牌

URL -> https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{TenantID}}/oauth2/v2.0/token URL -> https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{TenantID}}/oauth2/v2.0/token

Body-> x-www-urlform-encoded正文-> x-www-urlform-encoded

grant_type-> client_credentials grant_type-> client_credentials

client_id -> {{ClientID}} client_id -> {{ClientID}}

client_secret -> {{ClientSecret}} client_secret -> {{ClientSecret}}

scope -> https://graph.microsoft.com/.default scope -> https://graph.microsoft.com/.default

you will need you app to have permission你需要你的应用程序获得许可

1- > teams.setting.user.all 1-> 团队.setting.user.all

2 -> teams.read.basic.all 2->teams.read.basic.all

see if some other permissions are also required But this worked for me.看看是否还需要其他一些权限但这对我有用。


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