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[英]Why is my object's value delete when I try to turn it to array?

The code below is returning an empty array.下面的代码返回一个空数组。 Why?为什么?

var jsonparse = Array.from(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")))
//it's a object which i turn to string by json.stringify
//but then i want to use it in two form one obj sec array i don't know how to turn it correctly a array
//is retuning me an empty array why? 
//expected output:-
//real output

you can see what is in my localstorage by going to the link of an img (i have took an screen shot of my localstorage):-您可以通过转到 img 的链接来查看我的本地存储中的内容(我已经截取了我的本地存储的屏幕截图):-

https://i.stack.imgur.com/OWZ9u.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/OWZ9u.png

first confirm that localStorage.getItem("user") is an object.首先确认localStorage.getItem("user")是 object。 then change your statement syntax as I have written below.然后按照我在下面写的那样更改您的语句语法。

var jsonparse =  Array.from([JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(localStorage.getItem("user")))])

this will make the array you want:这将使您想要的数组:

var array = [];


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