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未在函数 C++ 中执行的循环

[英]Loops not executing in functions C++

Here's my code.这是我的代码。 Whenever I run the program, I expect that the cout statement in the for loop in the function Binary() to execute.每当我运行程序时,我希望 function Binary()中的for 循环中的cout语句能够执行。 But whenever I input something, it gives me 0但是每当我输入一些东西时,它都会给我0

using namespace std;
long int Binary(int x){
    int temp=0,res=0;
    for(int i=x;i<0;i--){
        res=res+ pow(10,temp)*(i%2);
        cout<<i<<"  "<<res<<endl;
    return res;
int main(){
    int x; cin>>x;
    return 0;

I think the condition in your for loop is the opposite way round than your expect it.我认为您的 for 循环中的条件与您的预期相反。 You seem to want it to continue looping until i<0 .您似乎希望它继续循环直到i<0 But it will actually loop while i<0 .但它实际上会i<0时循环。 The condition is already not true when you enter the loop, so it will finish immediately without doing any iterations.当你进入循环时,条件已经不成立,所以它会立即结束而不做任何迭代。

You just have to change the loop i check.你只需要改变i检查的循环。

using namespace std;
long int Binary(int x){
    int temp=0,res=0;
    for(int i=x;i>0;i--){
        res=res+ pow(10,temp)*(i%2);
        cout<<i<<"  "<<res<<endl;
    return res;
int main(){
    int x; cin>>x;
    return 0;

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