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如何使用 java sdk 创建具有权限的 aws 角色?

[英]How to create aws role with permission using java sdk?

I'm trying without success to create a role with a specific permission:我正在尝试创建具有特定权限的角色但没有成功:

This is my permission:这是我的许可:

    String jsonRole = "{" + 
            "    \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," + 
            "    \"Statement\": [" + 
            "        {" + 
            "            \"Effect\": \"Allow\"," + 
            "            \"Action\": [" + 
            "                \"s3:PutObject\"," + 
            "                \"s3:GetObject\"," + 
            "                \"s3:GetObjectVersion\"," + 
            "                \"s3:DeleteObject\"," + 
            "                \"s3:DeleteObjectVersion\"" + 
            "            ]," + 
            "            \"Resource\": \"arn:aws:s3:::"+artifactsBucket+"/"+company.getCompanyId()+"/*\"" + 
            "        }" + 
            "    ]" + 

and the command to create the role:以及创建角色的命令:

AmazonIdentityManagement client = AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.standard().build();
CreateRoleRequest request = new CreateRoleRequest().withPath("/companies-bucket-roles/").withRoleName(company.getName()+"-"+consoleUser.getConsoleUserId());

But I don't know how to add the permission to the role.但我不知道如何为角色添加权限。 I found nothing in the documentation.我在文档中一无所获。 Any idea?任何想法?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

This is the complete code if you want to create a role and add policy:如果要创建角色并添加策略,这是完整的代码:

        String jsonPolicyDocument = "{" + 
                "    \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," + 
                "    \"Statement\": [" + 
                "        {" + 
                "            \"Effect\": \"Allow\"," + 
                "            \"Action\": [" + 
                "                \"s3:PutObject\"," + 
                "                \"s3:GetObject\"," + 
                "                \"s3:GetObjectVersion\"," + 
                "                \"s3:DeleteObject\"," + 
                "                \"s3:DeleteObjectVersion\"" + 
                "            ]," + 
                "            \"Resource\": \"arn:aws:s3:::"+artifactsBucket+"/"+company.getCompanyId()+"/*\"" + 
                "        }" + 
                "    ]" + 

        String assumeRolePolicyDocument = "{" + 
                "  \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\"," + 
                "  \"Statement\": [" + 
                "    {" + 
                "      \"Effect\": \"Allow\"," + 
                "      \"Principal\": {" + 
                "        \"Federated\": \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\"" + 
                "      }," + 
                "      \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity\"," + 
                "      \"Condition\": {" + 
                "        \"StringEquals\": {" + 
                "          \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": \""+poolId+"\"" + 
                "        }," + 
                "        \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": {" + 
                "          \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": \"authenticated\"" + 
                "        }" + 
                "      }" + 
                "    }" + 
                "  ]" + 
        AmazonIdentityManagement client = AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.standard().build();
        // First create a policy
        CreatePolicyRequest policyRequest = new CreatePolicyRequest()
                .withPolicyName("company_" + company.getCompanyId() + "_s3bucket" + "_policy")
                .withDescription("Policy created for the company "+company.getCompanyId()+". This policy give access to S3 bucket for this company");

        CreatePolicyResult policyResponse = client.createPolicy(policyRequest);

        String roleName = "company_" + company.getCompanyId() +  "_role";
        CreateRoleRequest request = new CreateRoleRequest()
                .withDescription("Role created for the company "+company.getCompanyId()+". This Role has for example policy for S3 bucket");
        CreateRoleResult response = client.createRole(request);

        // Attach the policy to the role
        AttachRolePolicyRequest attachRequest =  new AttachRolePolicyRequest()

        AttachRolePolicyResult attachRolePolicyResult = client.attachRolePolicy(attachRequest);


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