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Scala 多态回调类型不匹配

[英]Scala polymorphic callback type mismatch

I'm sorry i couldn't find a better title.很抱歉我找不到更好的标题。

I'm trying to achieve something like the following我正在尝试实现以下目标

abstract class Person 

case class User(uid: String, firstname: String, active: String) extends Person
case class Admin(id: String, pseudo: String, securityClearance: String) extends Person

def innerFunctionForUser(user: User): List[String] = {
  List() :+ user.uid :+ user.firstname :+ user.active

def innerFunctionForAdmin(admin: Admin): List[String] = {
  List() :+ admin.id :+ admin.psuedo :+ admin.securityClearance

def outerFunction(person: Person, innerFunction: (Person) => List[String]): List[String] = {

so i could use it like that所以我可以这样使用它

val myUser = User("0c60c5b4-306d-4372-b60d-fd699c80e408", "joe", "false")
val myAdmin = Admin("178789", "jack", "high")

outerFunction(myUser, innerFunctionForUser)
outerFunction(myAdmin, innerFunctionForAdmin)

which does not type check不输入检查

type mismatch;
 found   : User => List[String]
 required: Person => List[String]

and i can't have the innerFunction accept a type person like this而且我不能让 innerFunction 接受这样的类型的人

def innerFunctionForUser(user: Person): List[String] = {
  List() :+ user.uid :+ user.firstname :+ user.active

I kept it simple here but i need case class with parameters of different type and different number of parameters.我在这里保持简单,但我需要具有不同类型和不同参数数量的参数的案例 class。 So i can't have them declared in the abstract class Person.所以我不能在抽象的 class Person 中声明它们。 Which would give哪个会给

value uid is not a member of Person

value firstname is not a member of Person

value active is not a member of Playground.Person

How can one make different case class with different parameters in types and numbers evaluate to the same type?如何使具有不同类型和数字参数的不同案例 class 评估为相同类型?


How can one make aa callback polymorphic, kind a like this如何使 aa 回调多态,像这样

def outerFunction(person: Person, innerFunction: (SomeCaseClass) => List[String]): List[String] = {

Hope this is clear enough.希望这足够清楚。

Thanks for reading, Have a good One.感谢阅读,祝您生活愉快。

User and Admin are subtypes of Person but User => List[String] and Admin => List[String] are not subtypes of Person => List[String] . UserAdminPerson的子类型,但User => List[String]Admin => List[String]不是Person => List[String]子类型 User => List[String] and Admin => List[String] are actually supertypes of Person => List[String] . User => List[String]Admin => List[String]实际上是Person => List[String]超类型 Function type A => B is covariant with respect to B but contravariant with respect to A . Function 类型A => B相对于B协变的,但相对于A是逆变的。

Try to make outerFunction generic尝试使outerFunction泛型

def outerFunction[P <: Person](person: P, innerFunction: P => List[String]): List[String] = 

outerFunction(myUser, innerFunctionForUser) //List(0c60c5b4-306d-4372-b60d-fd699c80e408, joe, false)
outerFunction(myAdmin, innerFunctionForAdmin) //List(178789, jack, high)

You can also try to replace functions innerFunctionForUser , innerFunctionForAdmin with type class您也可以尝试用类型 class替换函数innerFunctionForUserinnerFunctionForAdmin

trait InnerFunction[P <: Person] {
  def apply(person: P): List[String]

object InnerFunction {
  implicit val forUser: InnerFunction[User] = 
    user => List(user.uid, user.firstname, user.active)
  implicit val forAdmin: InnerFunction[Admin] = 
    admin => List(admin.id, admin.pseudo, admin.securityClearance)

def outerFunction[P <: Person](person: P)(implicit innerFunction: InnerFunction[P]): List[String] = 

outerFunction(myUser) //List(0c60c5b4-306d-4372-b60d-fd699c80e408, joe, false)
outerFunction(myAdmin) //List(178789, jack, high)

Since type class InnerFunction acts on different data types now similarly (it produces list of values for all fields of a case class) you can even derive it:由于类型 class InnerFunction现在类似地作用于不同的数据类型(它为案例类的所有字段生成值列表),您甚至可以派生它:

trait InnerFunction[T] {
  def apply(t: T): List[String]

object InnerFunction {
  implicit def mkInnerFunction[T <: Product]: InnerFunction[T] =

def outerFunction[T](t: T)(implicit innerFunction: InnerFunction[T]): List[String] = 

      //or simply
// def outerFunction[T <: Product](t: T): List[String] =
//   t.productIterator.map(_.asInstanceOf[String]).toList
// def outerFunction(t: Product): List[String] =
//   t.productIterator.map(_.asInstanceOf[String]).toList

outerFunction(myUser) //List(0c60c5b4-306d-4372-b60d-fd699c80e408, joe, false)
outerFunction(myAdmin) //List(178789, jack, high)

(this will fail at runtime if not all fields of T are String s) or (如果不是T的所有字段都是String ,这将在运行时失败)

import shapeless.ops.hlist.ToList
import shapeless.{Generic, HList}

trait InnerFunction[T] {
  def apply(t: T): List[String]

object InnerFunction {
  implicit def mkInnerFunction[T <: Product, L <: HList](implicit
    generic: Generic.Aux[T, L],
    toList: ToList[L, String]
  ): InnerFunction[T] = generic.to(_).toList

def outerFunction[T](t: T)(implicit innerFunction: InnerFunction[T]): List[String] = 

      //or simply
// def outerFunction[T, L <: HList](t: T)(implicit
//   generic: Generic.Aux[T, L],
//   toList: ToList[L, String]
// ): List[String] = generic.to(t).toList

outerFunction(myUser) //List(0c60c5b4-306d-4372-b60d-fd699c80e408, joe, false)
outerFunction(myAdmin) //List(178789, jack, high)

(this will guarantee at compile time that all fields of T are String s). (这将保证在编译时T的所有字段都是String )。

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