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为什么在相同数据上训练准确率为 99%,但预测准确率为 81%?

[英]Why is training accuracy at 99% but the prediction accuracy at 81% on the same data?

I looked up similar questions to the problem but I dont understand still why it gives a such a result.我查找了与该问题类似的问题,但我仍然不明白为什么它会给出这样的结果。 Is it normal for a model to train up to 99% accuracy, but when used to predict on the same exact data, it gives a lower accuracy, in this case, 81%? model 训练高达 99% 的准确度是否正常,但是当用于预测相同的精确数据时,它给出的准确度较低,在这种情况下为 81%? Shouldn't it return back 99% accuracy?它不应该返回 99% 的准确率吗?

Furthermore, when I present new unseen data, the prediction accuracy is an abysmal 17%.此外,当我展示新的看不见的数据时,预测准确度是糟糕的 17%。 Surely this cannot be right.这肯定是不对的。 I understand that the model when presented new data should be less than the model's accuracy, but no way as bad as 17%.据我了解,model 在呈现新数据时应该低于模型的准确度,但不会差到 17%。

Here is the code for context.这是上下文的代码。 I put comments for easier reading:为了便于阅读,我放了评论:

# Step 1) Split Data into Training and Prediction Sets
num_split_df_at = int(0.75*len(df))
np_train_data = df.iloc[0:num_split_df_at, columns_index_list].to_numpy()
np_train_target = list(df.iloc[0:num_split_df_at, 4])
np_predict_data = df.iloc[num_split_df_at:len(df), columns_index_list].to_numpy()
np_predict_target = list(df.iloc[num_split_df_at:len(df), 4])

# Step 2) Split Training Data into Training and Validation Sets
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(np_train_data, np_train_target, random_state=0)

# Step 3) Reshape Training and Validation Sets to (49, 5)
# prints: "(3809, 245)"
# prints: "(1270, 245)"
x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], round(x_train.shape[1]/5), 5)
x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], round(x_test.shape[1]/5), 5)
y_train = np.array(y_train)- 1
y_test = np.array(y_test)- 1
# prints: "(3809, 49, 5)"
# prints: "[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]"
# prints: "10"

input_shape = (x_train.shape[1], 5)

# Step 4) Run Model
adam = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0001)
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv1D(512, 5, activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape))
model.add(Conv1D(512, 5, activation='relu'))
model.add(Conv1D(512, 5, activation='relu'))
model.add(Conv1D(512, 5, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=adam, metrics=['accuracy'])
model.fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size=128, epochs=150, validation_data=(x_test, y_test))

# Step 5) Predict on Exact Same Trained Data - Should Return High Accuracy
np_train_data = np_train_data.reshape(np_train_data.shape[0], round(np_train_data.shape[1]/5), 5)
np_train_target = np.array(np_train_target)- 1
predict_results = model.predict_classes(np_train_data)
print(accuracy_score(predict_results, np_train_target))

# Step 6) Predict on Validation Set
np_predict_data = np_predict_data.reshape(np_predict_data.shape[0], round(np_predict_data.shape[1]/5), 5)
np_predict_target = np.array(np_predict_target)- 1
predict_results = model.predict_classes(np_predict_data)
print(accuracy_score(predict_results, np_predict_target))

Here are the prediction results:以下是预测结果:


My input data looks similar to this - 49 Days, 5 data points per each day:我的输入数据与此类似 - 49 天,每天 5 个数据点: 在此处输入图像描述

My output possible classification results are:我的 output 可能的分类结果是:

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] converted to [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] for "sparse_categorical_crossentropy" [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]转换为“sparse_categorical_crossentropy”的[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

this is because the training accuracy/loss of Keras models are calculated batch wise and then averaged ( see here ).这是因为 Keras 模型的训练精度/损失是按批次计算的,然后取平均值( 请参见此处)。 instead the validation metrics/performance are computed simultaneously on all the data passed.相反,验证指标/性能是在所有传递的数据上同时计算的。

this is simply to verify in this dummy example.这只是为了在这个虚拟示例中进行验证。 we train a NN and pass as valid data the same train data.我们训练一个神经网络并将相同的训练数据作为有效数据传递。 in this way, we can compare (a) training acc, (b) validation acc, and (c) accuracy_score at the end of the train.通过这种方式,我们可以在训练结束时比较 (a) 训练 acc、(b) 验证 acc 和 (c) accuracy_score。 as we can see (b) = (c) but (a) is different from (c) and (b) for the reason expressed above正如我们所见,(b) = (c) 但由于上述原因,(a) 与 (c) 和 (b) 不同

timestamp, features, n_sample = 45, 2, 1000
n_class = 10
X = np.random.uniform(0,1, (n_sample, timestamp, features))
y = np.random.randint(0,n_class, n_sample)

model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv1D(8, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=(timestamp, features)))
model.add(Conv1D(8, 3, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(n_class, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
history = model.fit(X, y, batch_size=128, epochs=5, validation_data=(X, y))

history.history['accuracy'][-1] # (a)
history.history['val_accuracy'][-1] # (b)
accuracy_score(y, np.argmax(model.predict(X), axis=1)) # (c)

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