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[英]How to break out to the parent tag and get the innerHTML of the next tag with javascript?

I would like to get the value "450" next to the strong tag with "Total:" in it.我想在带有“Total:”的强标签旁边获得值“450”。 I cant seem to identify this.我似乎无法识别这一点。 I've tried using parentNode etc and I cannot find the right combination.我尝试使用 parentNode 等,但找不到正确的组合。 Would be grate将是炉排

Here is a jsfiddle of it - https://jsfiddle.net/smduy1w3/这是它的一个jsfiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/smduy1w3/

    <td colspan="4" class="text-right"><strong>Sub-Total:</strong></td>
    <td class="text-right">£450.00</td>
    <td colspan="4" class="text-right"><strong>Total:</strong></td>
    <td class="text-right">£450.00</td>
var aTags = document.getElementsByTagName("strong");
var searchText = "Total:";
var found;

for (var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) {
  if (aTags[i].textContent == searchText) {
    found = aTags[i];console.log(found.previousNode);

Here you can check my solution.在这里您可以查看我的解决方案。 I've just searched for the element with strong tag with the text "Total" and then find out the next sibling using nextSibling and that did the work for me.我刚刚搜索了带有文本“Total”的strong标签的元素,然后next sibling using nextSibling元素,这对我有用。

 const tds = [...document.querySelectorAll("td.text-right")]; const selected = tds.find((td) => td.innerHTML === `<strong>Total:</strong>`); let nextSibling = selected.nextSibling; while (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType.== 1) { nextSibling = nextSibling;nextSibling. } console.log(nextSibling.innerText;substr(1));
 <table> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="text-right"><strong>Sub-Total:</strong></td> <td class="text-right">£450.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="text-right"><strong>Total:</strong></td> <td class="text-right">£450.00</td> </tr> </tfoot> </table>

I believe you have a couple of problems with your code:我相信你的代码有几个问题:

First, for some reason, you need to wrap your html inside a <table> tag, or else the html isn't properly parsed.首先,由于某种原因,您需要将 html 包装在<table>标记内,否则 html 无法正确解析。

Second, the search anchor <strong>Total:</strong> is a child node of its parent node <td> and the target <td class="text-right">£450.00</td> is a sibling of that parent, not the way you had it in your code.其次,搜索锚<strong>Total:</strong>是其父节点<td>的子节点,目标<td class="text-right">£450.00</td>是该父节点的兄弟节点,而不是您在代码中使用它的方式。

So, assuming your html is fixed, you need to change所以,假设你的 html 是固定的,你需要改变

found = aTags[i];


found = aTags[i];

Second, I would argue that using xpath is a cleaner way of reaching your target;其次,我认为使用 xpath 是实现目标的更清洁方法; something along these lines:这些方面的东西:

target = document.evaluate( './/table//tr/td[strong[.="Total:"]]/following-sibling::td' ,document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );

for (var i = 0; i < target.snapshotLength; i++) {
     price = target.snapshotItem (i);

Try this:尝试这个:

 var aTags = document.getElementsByTagName("strong"); var searchText = "Total:"; var found; for (var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) { if(aTags[i].textContent.includes(searchText)){ //console.log(aTags[i].textContent); found = aTags[i].nextSibling.textContent; console.log(found); } }
 <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="text-right"><strong>Sub-Total:</strong></td> <td class="text-right">£450.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="text-right"><strong>Total:</strong></td> <td class="text-right">£450.00</td> </tr> </tfoot>

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