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使用 map() 和 JSX 渲染数据数组

[英]Rendering an array of data with map() and JSX

I am trying to render an array with jsx, this array has a span inside and when trying to render it the output is [object Object] I am trying to add a tooltip inside, can you help me understand why this is happening?我正在尝试使用 jsx 渲染一个数组,该数组内部有一个跨度,当尝试渲染它时,output 是 [object Object] 我正在尝试在里面添加一个工具提示,你能帮我理解为什么会这样吗? I am using BootstrapTable with the react-bootstrap-table-plus library我正在使用带有 react-bootstrap-table-plus 库的 BootstrapTable


my code:我的代码:

        this.props.configuracion.map(d => {
            var s = d.servicios[0].fechaultimaactualizacion;
            var ds = moment(s, 'DD - MM - YYYY HH:mm');
            var fecha = ds.format('DD/MM/YYYY');
            return {

                NOMBRE: <a key={d.ID_TIPO_CONF} data-toggle="tooltip" title={["Última fecha actualización :" + fecha]}>{d.nombredivision} </a>,
                ID_TIPO_CONF: d.iD_TIPO_CONFIGURACION == 1 ? 'Manual' : 'Automática',


properties of my DataTableConfigurator:我的 DataTableConfigurator 的属性:

class DataTableProperties extends PureComponent {

    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            originalData: this.props.data,
            cloneData: [...this.props.data],
            searchFilterValue: '',
            noDataMessage: this.props.noDataMessage,
            page: 1,
            sizePerPage: this.props.sizePerPage || 5

    componentWillUpdate(prevProps) {
        if (prevProps.data.length != this.state.originalData.length) {
        } else {
            if (prevProps.data.length != 0) {
                var obj = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < prevProps.data.length; i++) {
                    var e = prevProps.data[i];
                    if (e[Object.keys(e)[0]] != this.state.originalData[i][Object.keys(e)[0]]) {
                //if (obj.length != 0) {

    componentWillUnmount() {
            originalData: [],
            cloneData: [],
            searchFilterValue: '',
            noDataMessage: '',
            page: 1

    cloneOriginalData = data => {
        var originalData = data;
        var cloneData = [...originalData];
        this.setState({ originalData, cloneData });

    searchFilter = input => {
        var searchFilterValue = input.target.value;;
        var originalData = this.state.originalData;
        var cloneData = [];

        if (searchFilterValue != '') {
            for (var i = 0; i < originalData.length; i++) {
                var row = originalData[i];
                var keys = Object.keys(row);

                for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
                    var cell = row[keys[j]];
                    if (typeof cell !== 'object') {
                        cell = String(cell).toLowerCase();
                        if (cell.indexOf(searchFilterValue.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
        } else {
            cloneData = [...originalData];

        this.setState({ cloneData, searchFilterValue, page: 1 });

    render() {
        const customTotal = (from, to, size) => (
            <span className="react-bootstrap-table-pagination-total">
                Mostrando {from} a {to} de {size} Resultados &nbsp;
        const headercolor = { color: "#FFFF" };

        const options = {
            paginationSize: 3,
            pageStartIndex: 1,
            sizePerPage: 15,  // which size per page you want to locate as default
            prePage: 'Atrás', // Previous page button text
            nextPage: 'Siguiente', // Next page button text
            firstPage: 'Primero', // First page button text
            lastPage: 'Último', // Last page button text
            noDataText: (<div className="text-center">No se encontraron datos</div>),
            showTotal: true,
            paginationShowsTotal: customTotal,
            page: this.state.page,
            onPageChange: e => { this.setState({ page: e }); },
            disablePageTitle: true,
            sizePerPageList: [{
                text: this.state.sizePerPage, value: this.state.sizePerPage
            }, {
                text: this.state.sizePerPage * 2, value: this.state.sizePerPage * 2
            }, {
                text: 'Todos', value: this.state.cloneData.length
        //function priceFormatter(cell, row) {
        //    return '<span></span>' + row;
        return (
                <div className="row mb-3">
                    <div className="col-1 offset-9">
                        <label className="p-1">Buscar:</label>
                    <div className="col-2">
                        <input type="text" className="form-control form-control w-100" value={this.state.searchFilterValue} onChange={input => { this.searchFilter(input); }} />
                <div className="row">
                    <div className="col-12">
                        <BootstrapTable striped hover condensed
                            key={`data_${new Date().getTime()}`}
                            headerStyle={{ background: '#df6727' }}
                            containerStyle={{ border: '#f0f0f0 1.5px solid' }}
                            noDataIndication={() => (<div className="text-center"> {this.state.noDataMessage == null ? 'No se encontraron resultados' : this.state.noDataMessage}</div>)}
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='200' dataField="NOMBRE"><div style={headercolor}>División</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="ID_TIPO_CONF" isKey={true}><div style={headercolor}>Tipo Conf.</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="NOMBRESERV01"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 1</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="NOMBRESERV02"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 2</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='200' dataField="NOMBRESERV03"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 3</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="NOMBRESERV04"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 4</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="NOMBRESERV05"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 5</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="NOMBRESERV06"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 6</div></TableHeaderColumn>
                            <TableHeaderColumn width='150' dataField="NOMBRESERV07"><div style={headercolor}>Servicio 7</div></TableHeaderColumn>

export default DataTableProperties;

any solution?有什么解决办法吗?

The only way to get that is by printing an object inside a string field.获得它的唯一方法是在string字段中打印object


// [object Object]

console.log('' + {});
// [object Object]

// > {}

In <DataTableConfigurator /> you print <a...>{d.nombredivision}</a> , then appears the "Manual", so I guess here's the problem.<DataTableConfigurator />你打印<a...>{d.nombredivision}</a> ,然后出现“手册”,所以我猜这就是问题所在。

As you try something like <a>{{}}</a> which prints "[object Object]".当你尝试像<a>{{}}</a>这样打印“[object Object]”的东西时。

Which is strange because of React, it should throw Error: Objects are not valid as a React child .由于 React,这很奇怪,它应该抛出Error: Objects are not valid as a React child Plain HTML/JS let's you do that, the result is exactly what you already get.普通的 HTML/JS 让你这样做,结果正是你已经得到的。

Try debugging that d.nombredivision to see what it actually is.尝试调试该d.nombredivision以查看它实际上是什么。

My solution: in DataTableConfigurator create one function for each header or element:我的解决方案:在 DataTableConfigurator 中为每个 header 或元素创建一个 function:

1.- where row is your row in list original. 1.- row 是您在原始列表中的行。

cellDivision(cell, row, enumObject, rowIndex) {
        return (
            <a data-toggle="tooltip" title={["Última fecha actualización :" + row.FECHA]}>

2.- In header List add Dataformat: 2.- 在 header 列表中添加数据格式:

<TableHeaderColumn width="130" dataField="NOMBRE" dataFormat={this.cellDivision.bind(this)}><div style={headercolor}>División</div></TableHeaderColumn>


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