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使用 python 中的 beautifulsoup 从列表中获取数据

[英]Get data from list using beautifulsoup in python

I have the webpage- https://dmesupplyusa.com/mobility/bariatric-rollator-with-8-wheels.html Here there is a list of specifications under details that i want to extract as a table, ie the specification category as the header, and the specification value as the next row.我有网页-https://dmesupplyusa.com/mobility/bariatric-rollat or-with-8-wheels.html 这里有一个详细的规格列表,我想提取为表格,即规格类别为header,规格值作为下一行。 How can i do this in python using beautifulsoup?我如何使用 beautifulsoup 在 python 中执行此操作?

import requests
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

page = requests.get("https://dmesupplyusa.com/mobility/bariatric-rollator-with-8-wheels.html").content #Read Page source

page = bs(page) # Create Beautifulsoup object
data = page.find_all('strong', string="Product Specifications")[0].find_next('ul').text.strip().split('\n') # Extract requireed information
data = dict([zip(i.split(":")) for i in data])
df = pd.DataFrame(data).T

I hope this is what you are looking for.我希望这就是你要找的。

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