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[英]Webflux Chaining multiple Mono

I am new to reactive programming (Spring webflux) and wanted how to best handle this use case.我是响应式编程(Spring webflux)的新手,想知道如何最好地处理这个用例。 I have a reactive service call ( getAccount ) that returns Mono and I want to chain it with another service call getBooks that returns Mono<Set> and one final synchronous call transform that perform some kind of transformation and returns something like Mono<Set> How would I chain and return the transformed data in the form of Mono<Set> while logging warnings when getAccount or getBooks are returning empty?我有一个返回Mono的反应式服务调用( getAccount ),我想将它与另一个返回Mono<Set>的服务调用getBooks和一个执行某种转换并返回类似Mono<Set>的最终同步调用转换链接起来。当getAccountgetBooks返回空时记录警告时,我会以Mono<Set>的形式链接并返回转换后的数据吗? Here is a simplified version of what I am trying to do as an example.这是我试图做的一个简化版本的例子。

Given some fake services here鉴于这里有一些虚假服务

 public static Mono<String> getAccount(String name){
        return Mono.just(name);
    public static Mono<Set<Book> getBooks(String title){
        return Mono.just(Sets.newHashSet(new Book(title + "One", "Author One"),
            new Book(title +"Two", "Author Two"),
            new Book(title + "Three", "Author Three")));

    public static LibraryBook transform (Book a){
        return new LibraryBook(a.getTitle(), a.getAuthorName(), "someUniqueId");

I wanted to get the account of a given user and find all the books that he/she borrowed and transform the books and return the value as a Mono<Set> while logging warnings where appropriate我想获取给定用户的帐户并找到他/她借的所有书籍并转换书籍并将值作为 Mono<Set> 返回值,同时在适当的地方记录警告

Here is my start这是我的开始

public Mono<Set<LibraryBook>> getBorrowedBooks(String userId) {
     return getAccount(userId)
            .flatMap(account ->  getBooks(account))
            .map(books -> books.stream().map(book -> transform(book)).collect(Collectors.toSet()))

However, I am not sure if mixing reactive and stream is a bad thing and it just does not look right.但是,我不确定混合反应式和 stream 是否是一件坏事,而且看起来不正确。


Since you cant modify the getBooks method, you can construct your getBorrowedBooks method in the following way to avoid dealing with stream.由于无法修改getBooks方法,因此可以按以下方式构造getBorrowedBooks方法,以避免与 stream 打交道。

Note- the loggers and exceptions are just for example.注意 - 记录器和异常只是示例。 You can handle empty scenarios in different ways too.你也可以用不同的方式处理空场景。

public class MyApp {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyApp.class);

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    List<LibraryBook> libraryBooks = getBorrowedBooks("Abhi").collectList().block();

  public static Mono<String> getAccount(String name) {
    return Mono.just(name);

  public static Mono<Set<Book>> getBooks(String title) {
    return Mono.just(Sets.newHashSet(new Book(title + "One", "Author One"),
        new Book(title + "Two", "Author Two"),
        new Book(title + "Three", "Author Three")));


  public static LibraryBook transform(Book a) {
    return new LibraryBook(a.getTitle(), a.getAuthorName(), "someUniqueId");

  public static Flux<LibraryBook> getBorrowedBooks(String userId) {
    return getAccount(userId)
        .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> {
          LOGGER.error("No account found");
          return Mono.error(new NoAccountFoundException());
        .flatMap(account -> getBooks(account))
        .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> {
          LOGGER.error("No books found for account");
          return Mono.error(new NoBooksFoundForGivenAccountException());

Compile wise this is correct.明智地编译这是正确的。 But logically, I think this is incorrect because you are not considering the definitions of mono and flux.但从逻辑上讲,我认为这是不正确的,因为您没有考虑 mono 和通量的定义。

Mono is a stream of 0..1 elements. Mono 是 0..1 个元素的 stream。 Flux is a stream which can emit 0..N elements. Flux 是一个 stream 可以发射 0..N 个元素。

The method getBooks (as the name suggests) should emit more than 1 element (which is Book here) for a given title. getBooks方法(顾名思义)应该为给定的标题发出超过 1 个元素(这里是 Book)。 So it's return type should be flux instead of Mono of a collection.所以它的返回类型应该是flux而不是集合的Mono。

Even you can take examples from the Spring's reactive repository methods:甚至您也可以从 Spring 的响应式存储库方法中获取示例:

ReactiveCrud 存储库

Now the idea of removing duplicates and storing a collection in a hashset, in reactive world, is synonymous to calling distinct() on a Flux of elements.现在,在响应式世界中,删除重复项并将集合存储在哈希集中的想法与在 Flux 元素上调用distinct()同义。


So your getBooks method should look like:因此,您的getBooks方法应如下所示:

  public static Flux<Book> getBooks(String title){

    return Flux.just(new Book(title + "One", "Author One"),
        new Book(title +"Two", "Author Two"),
        new Book(title + "Three", "Author Three"))


And your getBorrowedBooks method should look like:您的getBorrowedBooks方法应如下所示:

  public Flux<LibraryBook> getBorrowedBooks(String userId) {
    return getAccount(userId)
        .flatMapMany(account -> getBooks(account))
        .map(book -> transform(book));

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