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如何从另一个package C# Unity打开特定场景

[英]How to open a specific scene from another package C# Unity

Anyone has an idea how can I open a specific scene from one apk to another apk?任何人都知道如何打开从一个 apk 到另一个 apk 的特定场景? Like I'm in the apk com.example1.test and want to go to the Scene MainMenu from apk com.example2.test.就像我在 apk com.example1.test 中一样,并且想要 go 从 apk com.example2.test 到 Scene MainMenu。

Thank you in advance,先感谢您,


I don't think there is a direct easy way to do it in Android.我认为在 Android 中没有直接简单的方法。

You can always store the parameters in the cloud (maybe using SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier as a key) open the other app, fetch your parameters.您始终可以将参数存储在云中(可能使用 SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier 作为键)打开另一个应用程序,获取您的参数。

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