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这种使用单选按钮的表单对 SQL 注入安全吗?

[英]Is this form using radio buttons safe from SQL Injection?

I'm trying to make a dynamic search feature on my website, where the user can choose to look up claim information based on ID, Make, Model, or Date.我正在尝试在我的网站上创建动态搜索功能,用户可以选择根据 ID、Make、Model 或日期查找索赔信息。 There is a search bar to type in the data and the radio buttons provide the search filter.有一个搜索栏可以输入数据,单选按钮提供搜索过滤器。

I'm wondering if my simple if-statement approach has vulnerabilities to SQL injection since I'm passing in the variable directly as the column name (PDO won't let you pass this value in as a parameter as I understand it)我想知道我的简单 if 语句方法是否存在 SQL 注入的漏洞,因为我直接将变量作为列名传递(据我所知,PDO 不会让你将此值作为参数传递)


    <form method="POST" action="find-claims.php">
        <label for="find-claim">Find Claim:</label>
        <input type="search" id="claim-search-bar" name="claim-search-bar"><br/>
        <input type="radio" value="by-id" class="radio-param" name="search-param" checked><label for="by-id">By Claim Id</label>
        <input type="radio" value="by-make" class="radio-param" name="search-param"><label for="by-make">By Vehicle Make</label>
        <input type="radio" value="by-model" class="radio-param" name="search-param"><label for="by-model">By Vehicle Model</label>
        <input type="radio" value="by-date" class="radio-param" name="search-param"><label for="by-date">By Claim Date</label>
        <input type="submit" class="radio-param" value="Submit">


// Get search data
$searchVal = $_POST["claim-search-bar"];

// Get radio value
$searchType = $_POST["search-param"];

// Store search type into db-naming scheme
$radioVal = "";
if($searchType == "by-id"){
    $radioVal = "claim_id";
else if($searchType == "by-make"){
    $radioVal = "make";
else if($searchType == "by-model"){
    $radioVal = "model";
else if($searchType == "by-date"){
    $radioVal = "date_received";

// DB Interaction
    // Connection to DB
    require "../db-info.php";
    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$serverName; dbname=$dbName", $userName, $password);
    $dbh->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );

    // Get Claim based off dynamic input
    $getClaim = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM claims WHERE $radioVal = ?");
    $getClaim->bindParam(1, $searchVal);
    $claimInfo = $getClaim->fetchAll();

    // Checks if DB returned any data
        // Display corresponding info
        echo "sorry no claim found";

    $dbh = null;
    $stmt = null;

} catch(PDOException $e){
    throw new \PDOException($e->getMessage(), (int)$e->getCode());

You can store the search values in the array.您可以将搜索值存储在数组中。 Along with removing the useless try-catch it will make your code two times less bloated.除了删除无用的 try-catch 外,它还会使您的代码膨胀两倍。

// Get search data
$searchVal = $_POST["claim-search-bar"];

// Get radio value
$searchType = $_POST["search-param"];

// Store search type into db-naming scheme
$searchValues = [
    "by-id" => "claim_id",
    "by-make" => "make",
    "by-model" => "model",
    "by-date") => "date_received",
$radioVal = $searchValues[$searchType] ?? "claim_id";
// Connection to DB
require "../db-info.php";
// the connection code should really go into include

// Get Claim based off dynamic input
$getClaim = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM claims WHERE $radioVal = ?");
$claimInfo = $getClaim->fetchAll();

// Checks if DB returned any data
    // Display corresponding info
    echo "sorry no claim found";

Because $radioVal is only assigned literal values you wrote in your code, and it is never assigned any untrusted content, it is safe with respect to SQL injection.因为$radioVal只分配了您在代码中编写的文字值,并且从未分配过任何不受信任的内容,所以对于 SQL 注入来说是安全的。

However, I recommend you give it a better default other than "" .但是,我建议您给它一个比""更好的默认值。 Because if none of the known values for $searchType are matched, then $radioVal will remain "" and you'll get an SQL statement of:因为如果$searchType的任何已知值都不匹配,则$radioVal将保持为""并且您将获得 SQL 语句:

SELECT * FROM claims WHERE  = ?

That'll be a syntax error.那将是一个语法错误。 It won't be due to SQL injection, but it won't work.这不会是由于 SQL 注入,但它不会工作。

And by the way, you do not need to sanitize $searchVal .顺便说一句,您不需要清理$searchVal That's the point of using a bound parameter, that it is bound after the query is prepared, so it cannot introduce SQL injection.这就是使用绑定参数的意义,它是在准备好查询之后绑定的,所以它不能引入 SQL 注入。 It doesn't matter if it's sanitized or not.是否消毒并不重要。

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