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Vue3 中未发出生命周期钩子 beforeDestroy

[英]Lifecycle hook beforeDestroy is not emitted in Vue3

I use vue3 beta 18, found that beforeDestroy is not emitted when I remove a component which is rendered by dynamic component in v-for.我使用 vue3 beta 18,发现当我删除由 v-for 中的动态组件呈现的组件时,不会发出 beforeDestroy。

Neither are deactivated, destroyed.两者都没有被停用,被破坏。

The component is "disappeared", when I remove it from the collection "windows".当我从集合“windows”中删除它时,该组件“消失”了。

component(v-for="ww in windows" :key="ww.$id" :is="ww.component" v-bind="ww.props")

In Vue 3 beforeDestroy and destroyed hooks are replaced with beforeUnmount and unmounted https://v3.vuejs.org/api/options-lifecycle-hooks.html#beforeunmount在 Vue 3 中 beforeDestroy 和被破坏的钩子被替换为 beforeUnmount 和卸载https://v3.vuejs.org/api/options-lifecycle-hooks.html#beforeunmount

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