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[英]Change button background color by clicking a different button on a different page

I am trying to achieve a task that bugs me a bit.我正在尝试完成一项让我有点烦恼的任务。 I have 2 buttons on 2 different pages, I want to achieve this;我在 2 个不同的页面上有 2 个按钮,我想实现这个; when pressing on the button situated on the second page, to change the background colour of the button situated on the first page.当按下位于第二页的按钮时,更改位于第一页的按钮的背景颜色。 Example: First Page:示例:首页:

  <Button Text="Task 1"
          x:Name = "firstPage"
          BackgroundColor = "Red" />


  <Button Text="Completed"
          x:Name = "secondPage"
          Clicked = "ChangeColourForFirst" />

The simplest solution is to use MessagingCenter to send notification when clicking the button.最简单的解决方案是在单击按钮时使用MessagingCenter发送通知。

in the first page在第一页

public MainPage()

        MessagingCenter.Subscribe<Object, Color>(this, "changeColor", (arg,color) => {

            firstPage.BackgroundColor = color;



in the second page在第二页

private void ChangeColourForFirst(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MessagingCenter.Send<Object, Color>(this, "changeColor", Color.Red); // send the bgcolor that you want to change

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