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更新 Discourse 后如何解决 502 Bad Gateway 问题?

[英]How to troubleshoot 502 Bad Gateway after updating Discourse?

I just updated Discourse by running the following after the server being at sleep for a few months.我刚刚通过在服务器休眠几个月后运行以下命令来更新 Discourse。

cd /var/discourse
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

Now, when I open my Discourse URL, I get a Nginx 502 Bad Gateway error.现在,当我打开我的 Discourse URL 时,我收到 Nginx 502 Bad Gateway 错误。

I know very little about Docker.我对 Docker 知之甚少。 How can I figure out what isn't working?我怎样才能弄清楚什么不起作用?


Running ./launcher rebuild app again fixed the issue.再次运行./launcher rebuild app解决了这个问题。

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