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如何使用 pyav 或 opencv 对原始 H.264 数据的实时 stream 进行解码?

[英]How to use pyav or opencv to decode a live stream of raw H.264 data?

The data was received by socket,with no more shell, they are pure IPB frames begin with NAL Header(something like 00 00 00 01).数据是通过socket接收的,没有更多的shell,它们是纯IPB帧,以NAL Header开头(类似于00 00 00 01)。 I am now using pyav to decode the frames,but i can only decode the data after the second pps info(in key frame) was received(so the chunk of data I send to my decode thread can begin with pps and sps ), otherwise the decode() or demux() will return error "non-existing PPS 0 referenced decode_slice_header error".我现在正在使用 pyav 解码帧,但我只能在接收到第二个 pps 信息(在关键帧中)之后解码数据(所以我发送到我的解码线程的数据块可以以 pps 和 sps 开头),否则decode() 或 demux() 将返回错误“non-existing PPS 0 referenced decode_slice_header error”。

I want to feed data to a sustaining decoder which can remember the previous P frame, so after feeding one B frame, the decoder return a decoded video frame.我想将数据馈送到可以记住前一个 P 帧的持续解码器,因此在馈送一个 B 帧后,解码器返回一个解码的视频帧。 Or someform of IO that can be opened as container and keep writing data into it by another thread.或者某种形式的 IO 可以作为容器打开并通过另一个线程继续向其中写入数据。

Here is my key code:这是我的关键代码:

#read thread... read until get a key frame, then make a new io.BytesIO() to store the new data.
rawFrames = io.BytesIO()
while flag_get_keyFrame:()
    content= socket.recv(2048)

#decode thread... decode content between two key frames
container = av.open(rawFrames)
for packet in container.demux():
    for frame in packet.decode():

My code will play the video but with a 3~4 seconds delay.我的代码将播放视频,但有 3~4 秒的延迟。 So I am not putting all of it here, because I know it's not actually working for what I want to achieve.所以我不会把所有的东西都放在这里,因为我知道它实际上并没有达到我想要实现的目标。 I want to play the video after receiving the first key frame and decode the following frames right after receiving them.我想在收到第一个关键帧后播放视频,并在收到后立即解码以下帧。 Pyav opencv ffmpeg or something else,how can I achieve my goal? Pyav opencv ffmpeg 或其他东西,我怎样才能实现我的目标?

Its normal getting 3~4 seconds delay because you are reading encoded data and decoding it takes time via on CPU.它通常会延迟 3~4 秒,因为您正在读取编码数据并通过 CPU 对其进行解码需要时间。

  1. If you have GPU hardware, you can use FFMPEG to decode H264 by GPU.如果您有 GPU 硬件,您可以使用 FFMPEG 通过 GPU 解码 H264。 Here is an example. 是一个例子。
  2. If you don't have a GPU, decoding H264 on CPU always will cause delays.如果您没有 GPU,在 CPU 上解码 H264 总是会导致延迟。 You can use FFMPEG for effective decoding but this will also decrease total delay almost 10%您可以使用 FFMPEG 进行有效解码,但这也会将总延迟降低近 10%

After hours of finding an answer for this as well.经过数小时找到这个问题的答案。 I figure this out myself.我自己想通了。

For single thread, you can do the following:对于单线程,您可以执行以下操作:

rawData = io.BytesIO()
container = av.open(rawData, format="h264", mode='r')
cur_pos = 0
while True:
    data = await websocket.recv()
    for packet in container.demux():
        if packet.size == 0:
        cur_pos += packet.size
        for frame in packet.decode():

That is the basic idea.这就是基本思想。 I have worked out a generic version that has receiving thread and decoding thread separated.我已经制定了一个将接收线程和解码线程分开的通用版本。 The code will also skip frames if the CPU does not keep up with the decoding speed and will start decoding from the next key frame (so you will not have the teared green screen effect).如果 CPU 跟不上解码速度,代码也会跳帧,并从下一个关键帧开始解码(这样就不会出现撕裂的绿屏效果)。 Here is the full version of the code:这是代码的完整版本:

import asyncio
import av
import cv2
import io
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Event
import time
import websockets

def display_frame(frame, start_time, pts_offset, frame_rate):
    if frame.pts is not None:
        play_time = (frame.pts - pts_offset) * frame.time_base.numerator / frame.time_base.denominator
        if start_time is not None:
            current_time = time.time() - start_time
            time_diff = play_time - current_time
            if time_diff > 1 / frame_rate:
                return False
            if time_diff > 0:
    img = frame.to_ndarray(format='bgr24')
    cv2.imshow('Video', img)
    return True

def get_pts(frame):
    return frame.pts

def render(terminated, data_queue):
    rawData = io.BytesIO()
    cur_pos = 0
    frames_buffer = []
    start_time = None
    pts_offset = None
    got_key_frame = False
    while not terminated.is_set():
            data = data_queue.get_nowait()
        if cur_pos == 0:
            container = av.open(rawData, mode='r')
            original_codec_ctx = container.streams.video[0].codec_context
            codec = av.codec.CodecContext.create(original_codec_ctx.name, 'r')
        cur_pos += len(data)
        dts = None
        for packet in container.demux():
            if packet.size == 0:
            dts = packet.dts
            if pts_offset is None:
                pts_offset = packet.pts
            if not got_key_frame and packet.is_keyframe:
                got_key_frame = True
            if data_queue.qsize() > 8 and not packet.is_keyframe:
                got_key_frame = False
            if not got_key_frame:
            frames = codec.decode(packet)
            if start_time is None:
                start_time = time.time()
            frames_buffer += frames
            for frame in frames_buffer:
                if display_frame(frame, start_time, pts_offset, codec.framerate):
                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
        if dts is not None:
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

async def receive_encoded_video(websocket, path):
    data_queue = Queue()
    terminated = Event()
    p = Process(
        args=(terminated, data_queue)
    while not terminated.is_set():
            data = await websocket.recv()

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