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Thrift、Avro 和 ProtoBuf 数据治理

[英]Thrift, Avro and ProtoBuf data governance

We have a use case of data streaming from the main transactional system to other downstream such as data analytics and machine learning team.我们有一个从主要事务系统到其他下游(例如数据分析和机器学习团队)的数据流用例。

One of the requirements are to ensure data governance that data source can control who can read which column, and potentially lifecycle of a data to ensure data siting in another domain gets purged should the source data removed it, such as if a user deletes the account, we need to make sure the data in all downstream gets removed.其中一个要求是确保数据源可以控制谁可以读取哪一列,以及数据的潜在生命周期,以确保在源数据删除时(例如用户删除帐户),清除位于另一个域中的数据,我们需要确保所有下游的数据都被删除。

While we are considering Thrift, Avro and ProtoBuf, what are the common frameworks that we can use for such data governance?当我们在考虑 Thrift、Avro 和 ProtoBuf 时,我们可以使用哪些通用框架来进行此类数据治理? Do any of these protocol supports metadata for such data governance around data authorization, lifecycle?这些协议是否支持围绕数据授权、生命周期进行此类数据治理的元数据?

Let me get this straight:让我说清楚:

protobuf is not a security device ; protobuf 不是安全设备 to someone with the right tools it is just as readable as xml or json, with the slight issue that it can be uncertain how to interpret some values;对于使用正确工具的人来说,它与 xml 或 json 一样可读,但有一个小问题是不确定如何解释某些值;

It's not of a much difference than JSON nor XML.它与 JSON 和 XML 没有太大区别。 It is just an interface language.它只是一种界面语言。 Sure, it has encoding , it is a bit different and a lot more customizable, but it does in no way confront security.当然,它有encoding ,它有点不同并且更可定制,但它绝不会遇到安全问题。 It is up to you to secure the channel between sender and receiver.确保发送者和接收者之间的通道安全取决于您。

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