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Django 搜索返回“找不到页面 (404) 错误

[英]Django search returns "Page not found (404) error

Like many other questions on here ( Writing a very basic search form in Django , django search page not found error ), I am using Django and I have a search bar in a form that when submitted, returns a "Page not found" error.像这里的许多其他问题一样( 在 Django 中编写一个非常基本的搜索表单django 搜索页面未找到错误),我正在使用 Django 并且我在提交时返回“未找到页面”错误。 Getting the urls correct tends to be my achilles and I am hoping an extra set of eyes can spot my error.获取正确的网址往往是我的致命弱点,我希望多一双眼睛能发现我的错误。

Here are excerpts of my code:以下是我的代码的摘录:


class Tool(models.Model):
    tool_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    release_date = models.DateField('release_date', null=True, blank=False)


def search_results(request):
   if request.GET:
      search_term = request.GET['search_box']
      results = Tool.objects.filter(tool_name__icontains=search_term)

      return render(request, 'search_results.html', {'results': results})
   return render(request, 'search_results.html')


urlpatterns = [
   path('search_results/', views.search_results, name='search_results'),


<form name="search_form" method="GET" action="{ % url 'search_results' %}">
   <input  id="search_box" type="text" name="search_box"  placeholder="Search tools..." >
   <button id="search_submit" type="submit" >Submit</button>


{% extends "base_generic.html" %}
{% if results %}

   <table style="width:100%">
         <th>Release Date</th>

      {% for t in results %}
            <td><a href="{% url 'tool-detail' t.tool_name.pk %}">{{ t.tool_name }}</a> </td>
            <td>{{ t.release_date }}</p>
      {% endfor %}
   {% else %}
      <h3 class='error'>Your search term returned no items, please try again.</h3>
   {% endif %}

{% endblock %}

file structure文件结构

├── models.py
├── templates
│   ├── base_generic.html
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── packages
│   │   ├── developer_detail.html
│   │   ├── developer_list.html
│   │   ├── publication_detail.html
│   │   ├── publication_list.html
│   │   ├── tool_detail.html
│   │   └── tool_list.html
│   ├── search_results.html
├── urls.py
└── views.py


Page not found (404)
Request Method:     GET
Request URL:    http://localhost:8000/packages/%7B%20%25%20url%20'search_results'%20%25%7D?search_box=Scampy

Using the URLconf defined in Bio.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

    packages/ [name='index']
    packages/ tools/ [name='tools']
    packages/ tool/<int:pk> [name='tool-detail']
    packages/ developers/ [name='developers']
    packages/ developer/<int:pk> [name='developer-detail']
    packages/ publications/ [name='publications']
    packages/ publication/<int:pk> [name='publication-detail']
    packages/ new_developer/ [name='new_developer']
    packages/ new_tool/ [name='new_tool']
    packages/ thanks/ [name='thanks']
    packages/ signup/ [name='signup']
    packages/ accounts/
    packages/ search_list/ [name='search_list']
    packages/ search_results/ [name='search_results']

The current path, packages/{ % url 'search_results' %}, didn't match any of these.

If anyone with insight into my error could assist me I would greatly appreciate it.如果任何了解我的错误的人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激。

When you are including search.urls in your project urls.py are u using namespace?当您在项目 urls.py 中包含 search.urls 时,您是否使用命名空间? Something like this像这样的东西


if yes u should use method="GET" action='{% url "search:search_results"%}'如果是,你应该使用method="GET" action='{% url "search:search_results"%}'

in general namespace:name一般namespace:name

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