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Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 中 ExecuteScalar 的对应项

[英]Counterpart of ExecuteScalar in Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

My stored procedure has SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() after the insert is done.插入完成后,我的存储过程有 SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() 。 Using ADO.net provides ExecuteScalar to retrieve the same while calling the stored proc.使用 ADO.net 提供 ExecuteScalar 以在调用存储过程时检索相同的内容。

Is a similar feature available in Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore(Version= which could return SCOPE_IDENTITY after sp is executed. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore(Version= 中是否有类似的功能,它可以在执行 sp 后返回 SCOPE_IDENTITY。 I see it has ExecuteSqlRaw but it just returns the rows affected.我看到它有 ExecuteSqlRaw 但它只返回受影响的行。

You can do this:你可以这样做:

using (var db = new NorthwindContext())
    var result = db.Set<IntReturn>()
    .FromSqlRaw("exec dbo.Scalar")

See my blog post here for more details: https://erikej.github.io/efcore/2020/05/26/ef-core-fromsql-scalar.html有关更多详细信息,请参阅我的博客文章: https://erikej.github.io/efcore/2020/05/26/ef-core-fromsql-scalar.ZFC35FDC70D5FC69D269883A8

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