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如何通过 java.net InetAddress 或其他 API 知道 ip 地址

[英]How to know ip address with java.net InetAddress or other API

I have UDP server to listen messages, and I need to bind to device IP address.我有 UDP 服务器来监听消息,我需要绑定到设备 IP 地址。 Other devices send messages on the UDP server.其他设备在 UDP 服务器上发送消息。 I use next:我使用下一个:

InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();  // gives (1)
address = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(); //              (2)
address = InetAddress.getByName(""); // the same          (3)
address = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");  //                     (4)

I run my code on different environments and see next: On my local machine with win10.getByName("localhost") works and.getLocalHost() not worked.我在不同的环境中运行我的代码,然后看下一个:在我的本地机器上,win10.getByName("localhost") 有效,.getLocalHost() 无效。 Also other devices (emulators) send messages on "localhost".其他设备(模拟器)也在“localhost”上发送消息。

On other remote PC with Win7 and some IP I'm using (1) and it works.在其他带有 Win7 和一些 IP 的远程 PC 上,我正在使用 (1) 并且它可以工作。 Physical devices send messages on server IP and it process them.物理设备在服务器 IP 上发送消息并对其进行处理。 Also, I'm using bridge to allow devices communicate with each other, ie devices placed in different networks (I don't understand this configuration, it is not my).另外,我正在使用桥接器来允许设备相互通信,即放置在不同网络中的设备(我不明白这个配置,这不是我的)。

On this remote PC but in Linux I can set address only manually, ie variant (3).在这台远程 PC 上,但在 Linux 中,我只能手动设置地址,即变体 (3)。 But I need specify it automatically.但我需要自动指定它。

I can't get the correct server address by any method.我无法通过任何方法获得正确的服务器地址。 How I can get device address?如何获取设备地址? Maybe there are some another methods or API?也许还有其他方法或 API?

UPD: I'm using netty udp server with standard configuration: UPD:我正在使用标准配置的 netty udp 服务器:

public void run() {
    final NioEventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
    try {
        log.info("Started listening logs ...");
        final Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
                .option(ChannelOption.SO_BROADCAST, true)
                .handler(new ChannelInitializer<NioDatagramChannel>() {
                    public void initChannel(final NioDatagramChannel nioDatagramChannel) {
                        ChannelPipeline channelPipeline = nioDatagramChannel.pipeline();

        // Bind and start to accept incoming connections.
        InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        System.out.println("InetAddress..getLocalHost() == " + address.getHostAddress());
        address = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress();
        System.out.println("InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress == " + address.getHostAddress());
        address = InetAddress.getByName(ip);
        System.out.println("InetAddress.getByName " + ip + " == " + address.getHostAddress());

        bootstrap.bind(address, LOG_PORT).sync().channel().closeFuture().await();

    } catch (Exception e) {......

A host may have several network interfaces connected to different networks, and the bind address tells the system which interface you want to listen on.一个主机可能有几个网络接口连接到不同的网络,绑定地址告诉系统你想监听哪个接口。 This is typically configured by the user of your application (system administrator) because the networks have different purposes (for example, data plane vs control plan: one network used by system and network admins to control the machine, another network used for production traffic)这通常由应用程序的用户(系统管理员)配置,因为网络有不同的用途(例如,数据平面与控制计划:系统和网络管理员使用一个网络来控制机器,另一个网络用于生产流量)

If you don't know which interface you should listen on, you can listen on all local interfaces.如果你不知道应该监听哪个接口,你可以监听所有本地接口。 You do that by binding to the special or:: IP address.您可以通过绑定到特殊的0.0.0.0 或:: IP 地址来做到这一点。

One way you can create the address by first creating a SocketAddress with the InetSocketAddress(int port) constructor, and then retrieving the address from it:创建 地址的一种方法是首先使用 InetSocketAddress(int port) 构造函数创建一个SocketAddress ,然后从中检索地址:

InetAddress anyAddress = new InetSocketAddress(LOG_PORT).getAddress();

Another way is creating the the address directly:另一种方法是直接创建地址:

InetAddress anyAddress = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[4]);

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