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chrome 开发者工具控制台中的 BroadcastChannel 测试不起作用

[英]BroadcastChannel testing in chrome developer tools console isn't working

I am testing the BroadcastChannel functionality and I'am having trouble.我正在测试BroadcastChannel功能,但遇到了麻烦。 I open two Chrome windows and the dev tools for each.我打开两个 Chrome windows 和每个的开发工具。 On the console I write:在控制台上我写:

const z = new BroadcastChannel('blarg')
z.onmessage = function (ev) {console.log(ev)}

I can examine z and it has the function saved to the onmessage prop so it all looks good.我可以检查 z 并且它有 function 保存到 onmessage 道具所以一切看起来都很好。 However, when I test:但是,当我测试时:


in one of the consoles, nothing shows in the other.在其中一个控制台中,另一个控制台中没有任何显示。 I would expect since both Chrome windows are subscribed to the broadcast channel blarg and have a function to console log the message that is posted, I would see the message sweet to be shown in the other console but nothing happens.我希望 Chrome windows 都订阅了广播频道blarg并且有一个 function 来控制台记录发布的消息,我会看到消息sweet显示在另一个控制台中,但没有任何反应。

So two questions:所以两个问题:

Can't I test BroadcastChannel interface in the devtools console like this?我不能像这样在 devtools 控制台中测试BroadcastChannel接口吗?

If so, what am I missing about how BroadcastChannel works?如果是这样,我对 BroadcastChannel 的工作方式有何遗漏?

It works if:它在以下情况下有效:

  1. the communication happens on the same origin通信发生在同一来源
  2. the channel name is the same on both ends ( blarg in your case, but it could also be "" )两端的频道名称相同(在您的情况下为blarg ,但也可能是""
  3. you don't expect to receive the message if you are the sender如果您是发件人,您不会期望收到邮件

When you say当你说

I open two chrome windows and the dev tools for each.我打开两个 chrome windows 和每个的开发工具。

call them A and B .称他们为AB In nomenclature A and B are defined as "browsing contexts", and they could also be tabs, frames or iframes.在命名法中, AB被定义为“浏览上下文”,它们也可以是选项卡、框架或 iframe。

The following code is an example that satisfies conditions 1. and 2.以下代码是满足条件 1. 和 2 的示例。

devtools A :开发工具A

location.href = 'https://example.com'
z = new BroadcastChannel('blarg')
z.onmessage = (ev) => { console.log(ev) }

devtools B :开发工具B

location.href = 'https://example.com'
z = new BroadcastChannel('blarg')
z.onmessage = (ev) => { console.log(ev) }

Condition 1 is also satisfied when browser contexts (windows, tabs, frames or iframes) don't "point" to any regular url (for example when you press CTRL+T to open a new tab).当浏览器上下文(窗口、选项卡、框架或 iframe)不“指向”任何常规 url(例如,当您按 CTRL+T 打开新选项卡时)时,也满足条件 1。 In this case the origin has the special value of chrome://new-tab-page .在这种情况下,原点具有chrome://new-tab-page的特殊值。

Said that, if you post from A to B , B will receive the message and console.log it.说,如果您从A发布到BB将收到消息并console.log它。 The same applies vice versa.反之亦然。

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