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JPA 计数(*)使用 CriteriaBuilder

[英]JPA count(*) using CriteriaBuilder

I have a question about CriteriaBuilder API.我有一个关于 CriteriaBuilder API 的问题。 I am new in JPA, I would like to create a count(*) thought a CriteriaBuilder.我是 JPA 的新手,我想创建一个计数(*) ,并认为是 CriteriaBuilder。 The count that I need to create needs to use the same parameters that I using in this dynamic query, that I created我需要创建的计数需要使用我在此动态查询中使用的相同参数,我创建

I have this service to create a dynamic query but I do not have an idea to how to create a count(*) using the same parameters我有这项服务来创建动态查询,但我不知道如何使用相同的参数创建计数(*)

package com.sanmina.rohsappapirest.model.services.imp;

 * @author edgar_conrado on 07/07/2020
public class ItemFilterServiceImp implements IItemFilterService {

    private IItemFilterDao itemFilterDao;

     * This function to get the items providing parameters
     * @param manufacturers     Array with the manufacturer to found
     * @param mpnReachs         Array with the mpnReachs to found
     * @return List with the items
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public List<ItemFilter> findByInManufacturer(String[] manufacturers, String[] mpnReachs) {      
        return itemFilterDao.findAll(new Specification<ItemFilter>() {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public Predicate toPredicate(Root<ItemFilter> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {          
                List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
                // Criteria for Manufacturer
                if (manufacturers!=null) {                  
                    // Convert the array in a List
                    List<String> manufacturerList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (String l : manufacturers) {

                    //Create the query
                    In<String> predicate = criteriaBuilder.in(root.get("manufacturer"));                                        
                    manufacturerList.forEach(t -> predicate.value(t));  

                // Criteria for Reach
                if (mpnReachs!=null) {                  
                    // Convert the array in a List
                    List<String> reachList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    for (String l : mpnReachs) {

                    //Create the query
                    In<String> predicate = criteriaBuilder.in(root.get("mpnReach"));                                        
                    reachList.forEach(t -> predicate.value(t));                 
                return criteriaBuilder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));


Any suggestion?有什么建议吗?

Use this code.使用此代码。

CriteriaBuilder qb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = qb.createQuery(Long.class);
cq.where(/*your stuff*/);
return entityManager.createQuery(cq).getSingleResult();

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