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[英]Use Regexp to match a certain repetitive pattern string input in TCL

I would like to check if an input matches a specific repetitive pattern.我想检查输入是否与特定的重复模式匹配。

Pattern = 3 Uppercase character follow by 2 digits and being separated by ':'模式 = 3 大写字符后跟 2 位数字并由 ':' 分隔

I have try the below regexp but it is not working.我尝试了下面的正则表达式,但它不起作用。

# This should return "Input Criteria Meet"
set user_input_1 "AAB22:GHD23:UDJ29:YUD51"

if {[regexp {^[[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}:]+$} $user_input_1]} {
    puts "Input Criteria Meet"
} else {
    puts "Input Criteria not meet"

How about this?这个怎么样? Assuming you have 4 parts, otherwise replace {4} with + .假设您有 4 个部分,否则将{4}替换为+



  • ^ Start of string ^字符串开头
  • ( Start of capture group (捕获组的开始
  • [AZ]{3} Three uppercase characters [AZ]{3}三个大写字符
  • \d{2} Two digit characters \d{2}两位数字字符
  • ( Start of OR capture group ( OR 捕获组的开始
    • :|$ Colon character OR end of string :|$冒号字符或字符串结尾
  • ) End of OR capture group ) OR 捕获组结束
  • {4} Four instances of the preceeding capture group {4}先前捕获组的四个实例
  • \b Word boundary to prevent a trailing : to be matched. \b单词边界以防止尾随:被匹配。

You could use你可以使用

  • ^ Start of string ^字符串开头
  • [AZ]{3}[0-9]{2} Match 3 times AZ and 2 times a digit 0-9 [AZ]{3}[0-9]{2}匹配 3 次 AZ 和 2 次数字 0-9
  • (?: Non capture group (?:非捕获组
    • :[AZ]{3}[0-9]{2} Match : 3 times AZ and 2 times a digit 0-9 :[AZ]{3}[0-9]{2}匹配: 3 次 AZ 和 2 次数字 0-9
  • ){3} Close non capture group and repeat 3 times ){3}关闭非捕获组并重复 3 次
  • $ End of string $字符串结尾

Regex demo正则表达式演示

Sometimes it is easier to not use a regular expression for everything, and to instead use one in concert with another operation.有时,对所有事情都不使用正则表达式会更容易,而是将一个正则表达式与另一个操作一起使用。 Some types of validation are also much clearer when put in a helper procedure:某些类型的验证在放入辅助过程时也会更加清晰:

proc ValidateString {input} {
    foreach part [split $input ":"] {
        # A regular expression is the easiest way of validating the interior pieces
        if {![regexp {^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}$} $part]} {
            return false
    return true

set user_input_1 "AAB22:GHD23:UDJ29:YUD51"
if {[ValidateString $user_input_1]} {
    puts "Input Criteria Meet"
} else {
    puts "Input Criteria not meet"

You could instead use a more complex RE like this:可以改为使用更复杂的 RE,如下所示:

# ...
if {[regexp {^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}(:[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2})*$} $user_input_1]} {
    # ...

but that's significantly harder to read unless you switch to extended form, and lacks the clearer mnemonics of a named helper procedure so I wouldn't really recommend it.但是除非您切换到扩展形式,否则这将很难阅读,并且缺少命名帮助程序的更清晰的助记符,因此我不会真正推荐它。

I have tried out the following and it is working.我已经尝试了以下方法并且它正在工作。

regexp {^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}(:[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2})+$} $user_input_1

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