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Hilt Fragments 必须附加到 @AndroidEntryPoint Activity。 找到:class

[英]Hilt Fragments must be attached to an @AndroidEntryPoint Activity. Found: class

Is it mandatory to add @AndroidEntryPoint annotation on all dependent classes like fragment dependent upon activity.是否必须在所有依赖类上添加 @AndroidEntryPoint 注释,例如依赖于活动的片段。 Is there any alternative solution for overcome this exception?是否有任何替代解决方案可以克服此异常?

Just add @AndroidEntryPoint to your parent Activity class:只需将@AndroidEntryPoint添加到您的父Activity class:


And yes, it's a mandatory process if you want to use Hilt.是的,如果您想使用 Hilt,这是一个强制性的过程。 You could use Dagger to get away with this.你可以使用 Dagger 来解决这个问题。


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