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Swift UI 测试:无法安装请求的应用程序

[英]Swift UI Testing: Failed to install requested application

I recorded a UI test case and when I try to run it I get the following message:我记录了一个 UI 测试用例,当我尝试运行它时,我收到以下消息:

"Failed to install the requested application. The bundle identifier of the application could not be determined. Ensure that the application's info.plist contains a value for CFBundleIdentifier."

It appears for both testing on the simulator and device.它出现在模拟器和设备上的测试中。 The application itself can be build and runs completely without problems on simulator and device.应用程序本身可以在模拟器和设备上完全构建和运行,没有问题。 UI Tests for other applications on the same machine run as well.同一台机器上的其他应用程序的 UI 测试也会运行。

The info.plist of the UI Test target is the default info.plist which was created when I added the UI test target. UI 测试目标的 info.plist 是我添加 UI 测试目标时创建的默认 info.plist。 What could be the problem here?这里可能是什么问题?

I found the issue.我发现了这个问题。 The new target had a special character in its name.新目标的名称中有一个特殊字符。 I created another target without special character and with that it works.我创建了另一个没有特殊字符的目标,并且它可以工作。 This seems to be a bug in Xcode.这似乎是 Xcode 中的一个错误。

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