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在 ThingsBoard 中导出设备的遥测数据

[英]export telemetry data of a device in ThingsBoard

im using thingsboard community edition.我正在使用 thingsboard 社区版。

i want to know if there is a way to export all time series data of a device into csv or any other file format.我想知道是否有办法将设备的所有时间序列数据导出为 csv 或任何其他文件格式。 i need all the data to analyse it.我需要所有数据来分析它。

thingsboard Professional edition has this feature. thingsboard 专业版有这个功能。 but how about Community Edition?但是社区版呢?

Default csv/xls export is only available in the professional version.默认 csv/xls 导出仅在专业版中可用。

But you could use the REST api to acquire the historical data.但是您可以使用 REST api 来获取历史数据。

My reference below states:我的参考如下:

You can also fetch list of historical values for particular entity type and entity id using GET request to the following URL 您还可以使用对以下 URL 的 GET 请求获取特定实体类型和实体 ID 的历史值列表


The supported parameters are described below:支持的参数描述如下:

keys - comma separated list of telemetry keys to fetch. keys - 要获取的遥测密钥的逗号分隔列表。

startTs - unix timestamp that identifies start of the interval in milliseconds. startTs - unix 时间戳,以毫秒为单位标识间隔的开始。

endTs - unix timestamp that identifies end of the interval in milliseconds. endTs - unix 时间戳,以毫秒为单位标识间隔结束。

interval - the aggregation interval, in milliseconds. interval - 聚合间隔,以毫秒为单位。

agg - the aggregation function. agg - 聚合 function。 One of MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, COUNT, NONE. MIN、MAX、AVG、SUM、COUNT、NONE 之一。

limit - the max amount of data points to return or intervals to process. limit - 要返回的最大数据点数或要处理的时间间隔。

ThingsBoard will use startTs, endTs and interval to identify aggregation partitions or sub-queries and execute asynchronous queries to DB that leverage built-in aggregation functions." ThingsBoard 将使用 startTs、endTs 和 interval 来识别聚合分区或子查询,并对利用内置聚合函数的 DB 执行异步查询。”

Reference: Thingsboard docs: ts data values api参考: Thingsboard 文档:ts 数据值 api

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