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如何使用谷歌 map angular 组件从谷歌 map 中删除地标

[英]How to remove landmarks from google map with google map angular component

I'm using the google map angular component and it's working pretty good!我正在使用谷歌 map angular 组件,它工作得很好!

But now I want to remove some of the landmarks from the map to reduce its congestion, to be able to show my markers a little more clearly.但现在我想从 map 中删除一些地标以减少其拥塞,以便能够更清楚地显示我的标记。

I've found these resources below but can't figure out how to apply it to the <google-map> node package I'm using.我在下面找到了这些资源,但不知道如何将其应用于我正在使用的 <google-map> 节点 package。

  1. Site to create json for hiding landmarks and other features on map创建 json 以隐藏 map 上的地标和其他功能的站点
  2. shows how to hide map features from google map dev site 显示如何从谷歌 map 开发网站隐藏 map 功能
  3. SO link that describes same issue 描述相同问题的 SO 链接

I see in this google documentation it shows applying styles to 'googlemap' with 'setMapStyle()' but this isn't a method in the angular package我在这个谷歌文档中看到它显示将 styles 应用到 'googlemap' 与 'setMapStyle()' 但这不是 angular ZEFE90A8E604A7C840E88D03A67F6B7 中的方法

Here below is my component (not all code) where I'm using google maps but it shows how I'm using the all code for the map下面是我使用谷歌地图的组件(不是所有代码),但它显示了我如何使用 map 的所有代码

 import { MapInfoWindow, MapMarker, GoogleMap } from '@angular/google-maps'; export class YogabandEventsComponent implements OnInit { colContentRef: ElementRef; @ViewChild(GoogleMap, { static: false }) googleMap: GoogleMap; @ViewChild(MapInfoWindow, { static: false }) infoWindow: MapInfoWindow; zoom = 12; center: google.maps.LatLngLiteral; options: google.maps.MapOptions = { mapTypeId: 'roadmap', mapTypeControl: false, scrollwheel: true, maxZoom: 18, minZoom: 10, streetViewControl: false, fullscreenControl: false }; markers: Marker[]; infoContent = ''; constructor(...) {... } openInfo(marker: MapMarker, content) { this.infoContent = content; this.infoWindow.open(marker); } showMarkers() { this.markers = []; for (const ybEvent of this.yogabandEvents) { const marker = new Marker(); marker.info = ybEvent.name; marker.title = ybEvent.name; marker.position = { lat: ybEvent.latitude, lng: ybEvent.longitude }; marker.label = { color: '#17a2b8', text: ybEvent.yogaType, fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '16px' }; marker.options = { icon: { // scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(40, 40), url: 'assets/images/marker.svg', labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(18, 50) } }; this.markers.push(marker); } } }
 <div class="col flex-fill h-100 px-0 right-col"> <google-map [options]="options" [zoom]="zoom" [center]="center" class="h-100" height="100%" width="100%"> <map-marker #markerElem *ngFor="let marker of markers" [position]="marker.position" [label]="marker.label" [title]="marker.title" [options]="marker.options" (mapClick)="openInfo(markerElem, marker.info)"> </map-marker> <map-info-window>{{ infoContent }}</map-info-window> </google-map> </div>

Try with the styles property of the MapOptions interface .尝试使用MapOptions 接口styles属性。 Like this:像这样:

options: google.maps.MapOptions = {
    mapTypeId: 'roadmap',
    mapTypeControl: false,
    scrollwheel: true,
    maxZoom: 18,
    minZoom: 10,
    streetViewControl: false,
    fullscreenControl: false,
    styles: [...]

It could gets a bit annoying styling it detailed.详细的造型可能会有点烦人。 You can generate a set of styles from this Styling Wizard (it also have a Landmarks slide to remove them gradually, then just export the styles array).您可以从此样式向导生成一组 styles(它也有一个地标幻灯片以逐渐删除它们,然后只需导出 styles 数组)。

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