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Java Json Object 到 ZEED8D85B888A6C0153334240885EE6 数组转换

[英]Java Json Object to Json Array Conversion

Im new to java.I am trying to get data from stored procedure and convert it into json array.我是 java 的新手。我正在尝试从存储过程中获取数据并将其转换为 json 数组。 But Im facing some problems with my code.但是我的代码面临一些问题。

           /*** Get data from stored procedure ***/
           Map<String, Object> out =  simpleJdbcCall.execute(in);
           /*** Convert to JSONObjects ***/
           JSONObject jsonRes = new JSONObject();
           jsonRes.put("body", out.get("#result-set-1"));

output :

          [{user_id=484, user_name="abc", email=null, contact_no=123456789}, 
           {user_id=485, user_name=xyz, email=null, contact_no=235612354}]

Expected output :

                         {user_id=484, user_name="abc", email=null, contact_no=123456789},
                         {user_id=485, user_name=xyz, email=null, contact_no=235612354}

Try using HashMap You can nest as many elements(HashMaps) as you want.尝试使用 HashMap 您可以嵌套任意数量的元素(HashMap)。 Here is an example这是一个例子

Map<String, Object> out =  simpleJdbcCall.execute(in);    
Map<String, Object> users = new HashMap<String, Object>();

users.put( "0", out.get("#result-set-1") );
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
data.put( "Data", users );
Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>();
body.put( "body", data );
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.putAll( body );
System.out.printf( "JSON: %s", json.toString(2) );

In your last line, print jsonRes instead of out.get("#result-set-1") :在最后一行,打印jsonRes而不是out.get("#result-set-1")


Then you will see something closer to what you expect, probably pretty similar to:然后你会看到一些更接近你期望的东西,可能非常类似于:

 "body": [
   {user_id=484, user_name="abc", email=null, contact_no=123456789},
   {user_id=485, user_name=xyz, email=null, contact_no=235612354}

If it works out like this, then body is the JsonArray如果结果是这样,那么body就是JsonArray

You can also use ObjectMapper(Jackson)您也可以使用 ObjectMapper(Jackson)

String output = <Stored_Procedure_Output>;
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ArrayNode arrayNode = objectMapper.readValue(output, ArrayNode.class);
for(int i=0;i<arrayNode.size;i++){
   JsonNode obj = arrayNode.get(i);
   // You can use the obj to retrieve each object

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