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如何使用脚本编辑器 cooja 模拟器从 collect-view 访问 motes 信息?

[英]How to access motes info from collect-view using script editor cooja simulator?

I'm trying to write a script(Javascript) to log mote information from the collect-view tool, I did not find any tutorial nor documentation that shows how to access mote information using the script editor, I would be very thankful for any help.我正在尝试编写一个脚本(Javascript)来记录来自收集视图工具的 mote 信息,我没有找到任何教程或文档来显示如何使用脚本编辑器访问 mote 信息,我将非常感谢任何帮助.

Thank you!谢谢!

TIMEOUT(900000, log.log("Total PRR " + totalPRR + "\n"));

 packetsReceived= new Array();

packetsSent = new Array();

serverID = 1;

nodeCount = 6;

totalPRR = 0;

t_total = 0;

throughput = 0;


data_length = 100;

Average_delay = 0;

timeReceived= new Array();

timeSent = new Array();

delay = new Array();

for(i = 0; i < ( nodeCount-1); i++) {

packetsReceived[i] = 0;

packetsSent[i] = 0;

timeReceived[i] = 0.0;

timeSent[i] = 0.0;

delay[i] = 0.0;


while(1) {


msgArray = msg.split(' ');

// log.log("string: "+msgArray+"\n");

if(msgArray[0].equals("receiver")) {

// Received packet

senderID = parseInt(msgArray[1]);


timeReceived[senderID] = time;

log.log("\n" + " SenderID " + senderID + " PRR " + packetsReceived[senderID] / packetsSent[senderID] + "timeReceived[senderID]" +  timeReceived[senderID] + " timeSent[senderID] " + timeSent[senderID] + "\n");

totalReceived = totalSent = 0;

totaldelay = 0;

count1 = 0;

for(i = 0; i < ( nodeCount-1); i++) 

    totalReceived += packetsReceived[i];

    totalSent += packetsSent[i];

    if (timeReceived[i] > 0) {

        delay[i] = timeReceived[i] - timeSent[i];

        delay[i] = delay[i] / 10000000 ;

        if (delay[i] > 0) 


            totaldelay = totaldelay + delay[i];





totalPRR = totalReceived / totalSent;

log.log("\n"+"Total simulation time"+total_simulation_time+"\n");

throughput = (totalReceived * data_length * 8 *1000) / total_simulation_time;

log.log("\n"+"Total Received " + totalReceived + "totalSent" + totalSent + "\n");
PDR=(totalReceived / totalSent) * 100;

t_total = totalPRR * 100 ;


log.log("\n" + "Total Packet reception rate " + totalPRR + " Total_delay " + totaldelay + "Packet Delivery Ratio" + PDR + "\n");

log.log("\n"+ "Throughput "+throughput+"\n");


else if(msgArray[0].equals("sender")) {

// Sent packet
receiverID = parseInt(msgArray[1]);


timeSent[receiverID] = time;

log.log( "\n" + " packetsSent[id]"  + packetsSent[receiverID]  + " timeSent[id] " + timeSent[receiverID] +  " id " + receiverID + "\n");



I have used this script for my project.我已经在我的项目中使用了这个脚本。 It is self-explanatory.这是不言自明的。 But if you have any doubt then ask me.但是,如果您有任何疑问,请问我。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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