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通过 SSL 连接时如何配置 HermesJMS 以使用特定的客户端证书?

[英]How to configure HermesJMS to use a specific client certificate when connecting via SSL?

I have a Spring Boot Application that I've created instantiates an instance of ActiveMqSslBroker.我创建了一个 Spring 引导应用程序,它实例化了 ActiveMqSslBroker 的一个实例。 I am attempting to connect to this broker using HermesJMS as a client.我正在尝试使用 HermesJMS 作为客户端连接到该代理。

I've configured the connection factory in Hermes as follows:我在 Hermes 中配置了连接工厂如下:

  • Class: org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory Class:org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory
  • brokerURL: ssl://localhost:61616经纪人网址:ssl://localhost:61616
  • keyStore: /path/to/client-keystore-containing-client-cert.ks密钥库:/path/to/client-keystore-containing-client-cert.ks
  • keyStoreKeyPassword: ***** keyStoreKeyPassword: *****
  • keyStoreType: PKCS12密钥存储类型:PKCS12
  • trustStore: /path/to/trust-store-containing-broker-cert.ts信任存储:/path/to/trust-store-containing-broker-cert.ts
  • trustStorePassword: ****信任商店密码:****
  • trustStoreType: PKCS12信任存储类型:PKCS12

The broker is configured in my spring-boot application as follows:代理在我的 spring-boot 应用程序中配置如下:

  • SSL Connector: SSL 连接器:
    • brokerUrl: ssl://localhost:61616经纪人网址:ssl://localhost:61616
    • KeyManagers:密钥管理器:
      • returned from KeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers()从 KeyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers() 返回
        • KeyStore: /path/to/key-store-containing-broker-cert.ks密钥库:/path/to/key-store-containing-broker-cert.ks
    • TrustManagers:信任管理器:
      • returned from TrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers()从 TrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers() 返回
        • TrustStore: /path/to/trust-store-containing-client-cert.ks TrustStore:/path/to/trust-store-containing-client-cert.ks

The broker is rejecting the connection requests from Hermes with the following error:代理拒绝来自 Hermes 的连接请求,并出现以下错误:

javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

So apparently HermesJMS is not sending the client certificate that is contained in its configured keyStore.所以显然 HermesJMS 没有发送包含在其配置的 keyStore 中的客户端证书。 Does the key have to have a specific alias to be picked up and used by Hermes?钥匙是否必须有一个特定的别名才能被 Hermes 拾取和使用? Is there a property I can set to specify the alias from the keyStore to use?我可以设置一个属性来指定要使用的 keyStore 的别名吗?

Turns out it was user error.原来是用户错误。 I had a couple of different session configured, and while flipping back and forth between my IDE and Hermes, I somehow ended up testing on a session that was using the wrong connection factory.我配置了几个不同的 session,在我的 IDE 和 Hermes 之间来回切换时,我不知何故最终在 Z21D6F40CFB511982E4424E0E250A9557 的连接上进行了测试。

After switching to the right session, things started to work.切换到右侧 session 后,事情开始起作用了。

For completeness here is how I got things working:为了完整起见,这是我如何使事情正常进行的:

In my Spring-Boot application I defined my BrokerService bean as follows:在我的 Spring-Boot 应用程序中,我定义了我的 BrokerService bean,如下所示:

public BrokerService broker(
    @Value("${spring.activemq.broker-url}") String brokerUrl,
    @Qualifier("brokerTrustManagerFactory") TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory,
    @Qualifier("brokerKeyManagerFactory") KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory,
    @Qualifier("secureRandom") SecureRandom secureRandom
    SslBrokerService brokerService = new SslBrokerService();
    return brokerService;

Here is how a connection factory could be configured in a client application:以下是如何在客户端应用程序中配置连接工厂:

ConnectionFactory connectionFactory(
    @Value("${spring.activemq.broker-url}") String brokerUrl,
    @Value("${spring.activemq.trustStorePath}") String trustStorePath,
    @Value("${spring.activemq.trustStorePass}") String trustStorePass,
    @Value("${spring.activemq.keyStorePath}") String keyStorePath,
    @Value("${spring.activemq.keyStorePass}") String keyStorePass,
    @Value("${client.key.pass}") String clientKeyPass
) {
    ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory connectionFactory = 
        new ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory(brokerUrl);
    return connectionFactory;

Hopefully someone will find this answer useful.希望有人会发现这个答案很有用。 Please note, the "spring.activemq.*" property names are not official property names recognized by Spring-Boot.请注意,“spring.activemq.*”属性名称不是 Spring-Boot 认可的官方属性名称。 They're just names that seemed to be used by a lot of the spring-boot activemq tutorials on the web.它们只是 web 上的许多 spring-boot activemq 教程似乎使用的名称。

Thanks, Dave谢谢,戴夫

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