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当我尝试在 Cisco 设备中执行 show version 时出错

[英]Error when I am trying to execute show version into a Cisco device

I am trying to learn Ansible but I have some problems: I did a simple playbook, my first one, but it didn't work well: I am able to connect to my device with user teste and password teste and also execute the command.我正在尝试学习 Ansible 但我有一些问题:我做了一个简单的剧本,我的第一个,但效果不佳:我可以使用用户teste和密码teste连接到我的设备并执行命令。

fatal: [ansible_user=teste]: FAILED: => {"changed", false: "msg", "command timeout triggered. timeout value is 10 secs.\nSee the timeout setting options in the Network Debug and Troubleshooting Guide:"} fatal: [ansible_password=teste]: FAILED, => {"changed": false, "msg".致命:[ansible_user=teste]: FAILED: => {"changed", false: "msg", "命令超时触发。超时值为 10 秒。\n请参阅网络调试和故障排除指南中的超时设置选项:"}致命的:[ansible_password=teste]:失败,=> {“更改”:假,“味精”。 "command timeout triggered. timeout value is 10 secs:\nSee the timeout setting options in the Network Debug and Troubleshooting Guide."} fatal. “命令超时已触发。超时值为 10 秒:\n请参阅《网络调试和故障排除指南》中的超时设置选项。”} 致命。 [192.168:0:103], FAILED: => {"changed", false. [192.168:0:103],失败:=> {“已更改”,错误。 "msg". “味精”。 "command timeout triggered, timeout value is 10 secs.\nSee the timeout setting options in the Network Debug and Troubleshooting Guide."} "命令超时触发,超时值为 10 秒。\n请参阅网络调试和故障排除指南中的超时设置选项。"}

This is my playbook:这是我的剧本:

- name: First Play
  hosts: routers
  gather_facts: False
  connection:  local
   - name: Fist Task
         commands: show version
     register: version

Do you have any idea of what I am doing wrong?你知道我做错了什么吗?

well, I have to change my host file:好吧,我必须更改我的主机文件:

this way did not work:这种方式不起作用:


after check in the internet, I tried this way and worked fine:在互联网上检查后,我尝试了这种方式并且工作正常:



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