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如何检查字典中的每个条目在 python 中是否为空?

[英]How do you check that each entry in a dictionary is not empty in python?

When trying to iterate over a dictionary, I tried to make sure that each value in the dictionary is not None or empty and an error is thrown.在尝试遍历字典时,我尝试确保字典中的每个值都不是 None 或空并且会引发错误。 The code is bellow.代码如下。

articleSummaries = {}
for techUrlDictionary in [newYorkTimesTechArticles, washingtonPostTechArticles]:
    for articleUrl in techUrlDictionary:
        if techUrlDictionary[articleUrl][0] is not None:
            if len(techUrlDictionary[articleUrl][0]) > 0:
                fs = FrequencySummarizer()
                summary = fs.extractFeatures(techUrlDictionary[articleUrl],25)
                articleSummaries[articleUrl] = {'feature-vector': summary,
                                               'label': 'Tech'}

And the error message looks like this.错误消息如下所示。

----> 5         if techUrlDictionary[articleUrl][0] is not None:
      6             if len(techUrlDictionary[articleUrl][0]) > 0:
      7                 fs = FrequencySummarizer()

TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not dict

What would be the best way to execute these checks?执行这些检查的最佳方式是什么? So this error is avoided?所以避免了这个错误?

I can't run your code, and the wording of your question is a little ambiguous.我无法运行您的代码,并且您的问题的措辞有点模棱两可。 As @Zvone said, you're using the url as a dictionary.正如@Zvone 所说,您正在使用 url 作为字典。

However, are you trying to do something similar like this?但是,您是否正在尝试做类似的事情?

articleSummaries = {}
for techUrlDictionary in [newYorkTimesTechArticles, washingtonPostTechArticles]:
    for articleUrl in techUrlDictionary:
        if techUrlDictionary[articleUrl][0]:
            if len(techUrlDictionary[articleUrl][0]) > 0:
                fs = FrequencySummarizer()
                summary = fs.extractFeatures(techUrlDictionary[articleUrl],25)
                articleSummaries[articleUrl] = {'feature-vector': summary,
                                               'label': 'Tech'}
            print("Empty entry") 

I'm assuming that each dict in the list has a key 0 .我假设列表中的每个dict都有一个键0 Since you are iterating through the list with the dict s, you can access the dict s as is:由于您正在使用dict遍历列表,因此您可以按原样访问dict

articleSummaries = {}
for techUrlDictionary in [newYorkTimesTechArticles, washingtonPostTechArticles]:
    for articleUrl in techUrlDictionary:
        if articleUrl[0] is not None:
            if len(articleUrl[0]) > 0:
                fs = FrequencySummarizer()
                summary = fs.extractFeatures(articleUrl,25)
                articleUrl = {'feature-vector': summary,
                              'label': 'Tech'}

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