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[英]How would one programmatically stop an app from reading computer files?

In a language like Python for scripting, how would you stop an app from having access to reading computer files, especially sensitive system-level ones?在像 Python 这样用于脚本的语言中,您将如何阻止应用程序读取计算机文件,尤其是敏感的系统级文件?

Edit: To be clear, I mean set permissions for that app to not have access to computer files, even after the script is done running (setting permissions).编辑:要清楚,我的意思是将该应用程序设置为无权访问计算机文件,即使在脚本运行完成后(设置权限)也是如此。

You should run your python script as a non-privileged user and read a file after validating the access您应该以非特权用户身份运行 python 脚本并在验证访问权限后读取文件

# check readability of the path 
if os.access("file.txt", os.R_OK):  
    # open txt file as file 
    with open("file.tx") as file: 
        return file.read() 


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